I have not skated in a few years. Not sure how many, but let's say a few anyway. We will start there.
No, I have not lost my ability to be spontaneous (My mind has been lost for a while though.)! Where do you think my children got it?!?!?! So, thinking I would like to add skating to my exercise repertoire, which by the way, isn't one of those you see advertised on the internet. OR one that you will find at the local gym. OH NO!!! This is one that I have concocted from my own ridiculous ideas. And while they may be strange or a little "out there" to you, they are perfectly NORMAL for me! I jump rope, ride my bike, hula hoop, do a variety of exercises that I enjoy (NOT), DANCE (YEAH BABY!!!) and now I have added roller skating! When I told Bobby that I was going to do that, his comment was, "I'm not so sure how I feel about this." I pressed for more information on that comment, and he said, "I just don't know what I think about my 55 year old mother skating!" AND I am NOT 55 yet. He suggested I keep my phone close for when I fell and broke my hip...or worse! I'm not sure if he lacks faith or confidence in me OR if he is just concerned for my welfare, BUT I went anyway. I was STOKED!!!!
When I put these OLD skates on, in the car, and then swung my legs out, and put my feet on the ground, I was SOOOO glad I didn't spray the wheels with WD-40 like I was going to do, but received a HUGE inspiration that I should NOT do that. WOW am I glad I listened!!!
By the way...these skates are old, but they aren't so old that they have a skate key. Although as a child, that's the kind I had. I wish I still had them...
Anyway, I had FUN, FUN, FUN!!! Some things I need to remember the next time are...MUSIC!!! No fun with out tunes! Other people might be fun. Refreshments could be good. At least some water. A hot dog would have been GREAT. BUT for now I will work on the water and the music.
SO...I didn't fall...and there may be an addendum tomorrow when I ACHE! HAHAHAHA!!! GO ME! AND don't be spying on me with a video camera! If you want to skate with me, let me know.
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