Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Another bit of wisdom about yards and children 11 November 2009

Hope nobody takes ANY offense to this. It isn't meant that way. It was merely an observation I made as I silently worked outdoors.
While working in the yard the better part of the morning, I was mindful of how incredibly alike our yards are to the raising our children.
Plants, in order for them to grow them right and thrive, need MANY things. We put curbing in, of some sort, to keep the grass out of the flowerbeds. We build trellises for climbing plants to climb on. We even attach them so they stay in place and don't go wild. We prune and trim to keep them neat, as well as growing properly. We plant them in places where they will thrive. We water, feed and nurture. Too much of each and there are problems. I even talk to mine. =D We weed, to keep the evil out of the good. Sometimes we must prune back severely when something has been allowed to do it's own thing. Sometimes we transplant. We re-pot. Sometimes we put a cage around a plant to keep things from destroying it, or to help it grow straight. Sometime we use a pole and wires to keep it straight. Some days we come in dirty, with splinters, sore back, blisters, cuts, scrapes, and various other war wounds from "straightening" out our yards, gardens and flower beds. BUT when we do all that we can, then we can look at what we have done, and see the fruits of our labor.
Children are no different. They too need MANY things in order to grow and thrive. We give them rules to guide them and keep them in place. We build things for them to climb and play on. We watch and protect them so they don't fall. We clothe them, bathe them and keep them neat and tidy...well most of the time. They do need to get dirty for mud pies and such. Just as plants thrive in certain places, we take our children to places where they can learn. We allow them to experience life or the lives of others by encouraging them to read, go to museums, zoos, camping, car races, beaches, historic sites, observatories, etc. etc. etc. When we are pregnant, we strive to do things that will help this infant we are carrying. We see that our children are receiving the proper nutrition. Not too much junk. Moderation in all things. =D We talk to them. Listen to them. Help them to figure things out. We guide them around things that can harm them. Weed the "crap" out of their lives by explaining those things that are harmful to them...and those things that are good for them. We teach them the "should nots" in life, not the "can nots". For we can do anything, but sometimes we "should not" do some things. Sometimes severe discipline is necessary...Tough LOVE is the hardest part of being a parent, but worth it. Enabling is so harmful. Sometimes "grounding" is necessary. We have "instruction manuals" that are there to help us, when we don't know what to do. At the end of the day, we may be weary from all the why questions. We may be tired from all the "run-around" that we get. We may have run around doing many things. We may have heartache watching them make mistakes. Heartache that reaches our very souls. We may experience pain as we guide them in the ways they should go...only to have them fight back and resist with greater strength than we possess. We may have battle wounds that are not visible, but more than worth it. For in the end, if we have cared for, taught, disciplined, nurtured and loved them, we will be able to sit back and relish in what we have done. Granted there may not be perfection, but there is joy, there are memories, and there are blessings beyond your wildest imagination. The fruits of your labors are incredible. The hard work is worth it. It's AWESOME!!!

1 comment:

  1. Joleen - how fun! I added you on my blog list! Mine isn't as fun as yours, but you should check it out.....!
