...I have found that life is sometimes like jumping in a pool. I am a jumper. I have tried the step-by-step method, but it takes to long to accomplish the same end. I've watched others do it, while I am swimming and enjoying the water far longer by just "jumping" in.
Sometimes the water is a little cooler than I thought and there is a little "shock" involved with it; sometimes the water is just right and not a "shock" at all.
Some people are afraid to "let go of the edge" of the pool...while others are afraid to even get in.
Life can be that way too. Many things in life can be that way too.
I was devastated when my marriage came apart. We had been together since Nov. of 1972 and in July of 1986, I wasn't ready to toss it all in the can. I lingered on "the steps" until the divorce was final in August of 1991. The lingering was almost as painful as all the questions I couldn't find the answers to. I still don't have many answers. But, I did linger NOT want to "let go of the edge." I wanted to hold on, hoping against hope that the "water" would be fine. I didn't want to lose all of whatever it was I thought I had. I was safe and felt that "venturing" out was unsafe and too unknown...or known and unwanted or undesirable.
I had the opportunity to experience life on "the steps" again. Eight years on the steps and I "jumped." The lingering on the "steps" for eight years helped me to realize that "jumping" was in order. Letting go of the "edge" may be scary and unknown, but I wasn't getting anywhere by not "letting go of the edge." While "the steps and the edge" are still available, I have gone to the other end where the "boards" are, and jumped. I have ventured out to the depths of the pool and left the "edge." It's not scary. It is different, but enjoyable. I can do what I want. AND there is an "edge" on the other side. There are ALSO "lifeguards" on both sides. I have used the "lifeguards" of life. They are and can be very helpful. The "lifeguards" in my life have been: others who have "jumped" or found the courage to leave the "edge." my scriptures, and prayer. There are other "lifeguards" in life. Yours may be different.
The "steps" still beckon at times, but I will always prefer the "board."
The "edge" is still there for security and comfort.
The "venturing" is always available and I am thankful.
The "boards" are almost always available and at different heights...just for added fun and excitement.
The "lifeguards" are always there too. They bring security, consolation, help, etc. even if you don't need them.
So, if you are stuck on the "steps" or lingering on the "edge" and things aren't the way you thought they would be, JUMP!!! VENTURE!!!! What have you got to lose? There are always "lifeguards" and they just may be cute, helpful, and just what you need.
Well...another thing that just came to mind...
Sometimes we are afraid to leave the "edge," not because of what is out there; the big unknown, but because we are unsure of ourselves. We don't have the confidence we "think" we need. If you have the faith in yourself, you can leave the "edge." Believe in yourself, trust, have faith, and JUMP!
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