Friday, July 31, 2015

Once in a blue moon...31 July 2015

They say the moon has an affect on us. I believe the whole universe has an affect on us. I believe our souls are interconnected; we can communicate with each other and not even know it. Sometimes a call out of the blue, or a message. We think of another person and reach out. We are more than mere beings here on earth. We touch each other in ways that are universal. Ways in which the heart, mind and soul or spirit connect and sometimes we question, "Why did that happen" or "What is going on?"
The phases of the moon have always provided fascination to me; the way it affects the earth, life and people. Some say it doesn't, but I believe it does. My great aunt worked in the labor and delivery area of a hospital. I remember as a young girl she said there were more births around the time of a full moon than other times of the month. I never checked the statistics on this, but I was born three days after a full moon.  My were born within two to five days of a full moon. Tonight is a "blue" moon; July 1st provided one and tonight is the second one within a month.
There are days when I wake up in my "familiar" surroundings and stare at the ceiling; thankful to have a place which shelters me from everything. These "familiar" surroundings are not my things, this is not my home. BUT I'm SO thankful. Thankful because in the chaos of my life, my needs are being met.
Most days when I wake up I ponder what I will do, who I will see and where I will go. I think of things I'm going to do for others...or myself. I get up and start the day and life is good.
Then there are the "dark" days. Sometimes they are once a week, once a month...several days in a row. There was a time in my life when these "dark" days were daily...for weeks...turning in to months...and longer. Days when I "knew" how to "fix" myself, but couldn't. My youngest daughter wanted to come and visit, and I said, "No. This isn't a good time. You will not know me. Don't come." But she came anyway...we went to visit a friend who taught me again how to "fix" myself. It was a long journey, but I came through it.
This "darkness" has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. As a teenager the "darkness" turned to self-defeating behaviors. While my heart and soul had SO much "light" my mind carried this "darkness" which was difficult to balance. There were days when the light would win, and days when the darkness would take over. Do I know the causes? Yes. I've analyzed the causes for years. The things I have no control over, I dread and just try to make my way through it. The things I can control, I deal with.
There are times when you can "tell" yourself certain things which will level out the light and dark; you know the words, the phrases, the "fixes." Yet, there are also times when those things just won't work. You want them to work, but the dark seems to possess you and the more you fight the dark forces, the more they possess you. They eat at you and you sink deeper into the depths of the darkness.
Today is one of those days. I have never written these things for anyone to read, other than recorded it in my journal. Some say it can be hereditary. But it's there. I can't deny it. It's real. You can cover it and say you are "just fine" or whatever. When people question me as to "how are you" I usually reply, "Marvelous" and keep going...knowing that I'm fighting a battle within which is constant. A battle which requires insurmountable efforts at times. I keep telling myself, you're fine, you're marvelous, you can do it. And most days I can. There were years when I didn't think I would make it though. The older I get, the easier it seems. Maybe easier isn't the word for it. Maybe endurable is a better choice.

I am an extremely sensitive and emotional person. I have a connection with animals. I have always been able to "connect" with them. I've always found that interesting. I believe they have spirits which can connect as well.
With all the turmoil going on in the world, the feelings of the world rest on me at times. I feel the pains of the earth. I know the earth has a spirit as well, and groans in pain at times. I feel this...these pains. Sometimes I hear the cries. 
About six months ago, I called my youngest daughter to "see if she needed anything?" She began crying and said I was an answer to her prayer...and she began to cry. We are prompted. Through our many connections in life, whether they are near or through social media, we can feel and hear the cries of others.
While I'm writing this, enduring the trials and challenges, my phone rang. My mother...second call, same conversation. I help her as I can. We discuss the same thing thing we discussed at least five times in a call two hours ago. This time she is in a different mood and the conversation has the same outcome, but the darkness is gone from it. Writing does help. After I hung up, I see my youngest daughter has sent a I "want to come and help her make a mess?" Hmmmm.....she and my little grandchildren will be my light today. At least for a few hours. I've had these "calling" experiences with all of my children, daughter-in-law, cousins, etc. Most often with my children.
So, I'm anticipating the full moon tonight and hoping the light which shines down will bring the healing powers I need. Maybe I will go somewhere in this overly-lit city and find a perfect spot where the full moon will send it's forces down on me...
Tomorrow is another day. Another day to endure, bear up, persevere, and carry on. Another day to solve all the "complications" in my incredibly blessed life.
Some things I use to get me through the darkness...
Write, whether it's all of your blessings or things you are thankful for, OR what's making the darkness. Sometimes seeing it on paper helps to solve whatever it is.
Call someone...usually the first name is someone who "needs" you.
Visit someone who needs you.
Serve someone.
Bake something...and share it.
Read scriptures.
Go out and enjoy nature.
Create something.
Go to a movie.
Write a letter.
Remember the things you've already been through, and that you can get through anything.
Remember that everything happens for a reason and there is a reason for everything.
Remember "this too shall pass."
Remember you are loved by many.
Remember life isn't random. It has a purpose and YOU have a purpose.
Remember some tunnels are longer and darker than others, but there is light at the end of it.
Keep going...

Friday, July 24, 2015

Two for the price of one. Isn't that what the sign said?

Before I being tonight's tale, let me first remind the readers that I work at a "craft" store. I do NOT work at Victoria's Secret. I do NOT work on the "Strip" and I DO NOT work at one of those "adult" stores found in the seedier parts of town. I work at a respectable...or so we like to think...craft store.
I'm combining two nights in one writing for a couple of reasons. Sometimes we have sales where you can buy one and get one for free or a penny. Sometimes it's buy one and get one half off. Sometimes there is a percentage off of what you are buying. There is ALWAYS information on the "SALE" signs. ALWAYS. DID I mention there is ALWAYS information on the signs? There will be dates of when the sale is valid. There will be sizes for the items included in the sale. There might be "colors" of the items included. The easiest way to find out what item is on sale is to "READ" said sale sign. It's VERY easy. WHY bring two carts full of merchandise, tell the cashier, "This is all on sale, so that better ring up on sale." Ummmm.....NO. Sometimes, rarely, the computer is wrong. It's always lovely when a customer rips you a new one because they have failed to read the sign. These aren't novels...they are "SALE" signs and for the most part, are very simple to figure out. This is not rocket science. It's a "SALE" sign.

A female customer came to the register...her husband begins to converse with the cashier and the wife says, "Be quiet. YOU are the husband and when I tell you to speak, THEN and only then will you say something." MY eyes are like saucers! Oh my gosh. I was shaking my head. And do you know, he quite talking and didn't say another word until she said something to him, and even then it wasn't very nice. WOWZERS!!!

This next item for your reading pleasure gave me the opportunity to write up a little report on. A female customer came to my register with a bag from another store. She put the bag on the counter and wanted to return the four items in the bag. She finally took them out of the bag and I looked at the quizzically. There are thousands of items in the store, and I know most all of them. These did NOT look familiar, nor did they have a brand which we carry. I asked for a receipt. "I don't have it. My mom bought them and told me they came from Michaels and to take them back." I scanned the items with the RF gun. "Item not found." Hmmmm....really?!?!?! So, I tell her, "These weren't purchased here. We don't carry this brand." She says, "My mom said they came from here." Me: "Well, I'm sorry. We don't carry this brand." AND then she asks, "Well can't I return them here?" "NO...we don't carry this brand." We have items just like them...they were jewelry pliers. So, she walks to the jewelry section to see IF I'm right. About half an hour later she is back up with a friend. This female gets two 39cent sponge brushes and pays for them with a "return card" which has a balance of over $95.00!!! Which means they have scammed the store before!

An interesting woman says she bought some "wood" birdhouses for her grandsons to put together. "Do you have any glue to glue them together?" I take her to the "adhesive" wall. Now there is glue there to glue just about anything together. I get the wood glue and hand her a bottle and she says, "This is the same Elmer's wood glue that came in the kits. Is it going to work?" I get her the Elmer's Wood Glue MAX and tell her that it should take care of things. It's for the outdoors, etc. She's happy and off she goes.

There was an interesting to-do in the kids activity aisle. A woman and her two children were opening several of the kits. I went and questioned if everything was alright. The box was an activity kit to make lip gloss etc. BUT three of the four boxes they opened had nail polish and fake nails. THIS was interesting. AND it wasn't the same brand as was on the box. One box had the right stuff, which they bought. We, the MOD and I, were still pondering this. The only thing we could figure was last Christmas, someone wanted the lip gloss and put it in the cheaper boxes. This is a common thing with customers. is.

AND can I just say here and now that I will be SO glad when the "summer" kid activities are gone. There are four hula hoops left and they seem to be in twenty-five places by the time the night is over.

OH MY GOSH! IF you have every watched the OLD Newhart show, you will appreciate this. A guy asked for some help  and we directed him to the area he needed to go...unfinished wood. He had a bit of a hygiene issue. As I strolled by the aisle where he was, there was another guy with him. There appearance was startling. They looked SO familiar. AND then it came to me. I immediately said, in my head, "HI! I'm Larry and this is my brother Darryl!" THAT'S what they looked like. They were very nice, but the similarities were there. hehehehehe

Then we had the "classic" theft. Sometimes this involves women...sometimes couples. It always bugs me. ALWAYS. They come in with a stroller, put things in said stroller...and leave. NO, they do NOT pay for what they are taking...I'm sure they believe it's a gift from all of us to them.

And then there is the four square foot area of glitter all over the floor. I have a friend I work with, he knows who he is, who HATES glitter. was everywhere. It's bad enough during the holidays. Nothing is sacred. Everything is covered with glitter. My bathroom  rug has glitter on it. There is glitter on my cat. My bed. My car. Everything and anything. Glitter is the bane of my existence at times.

Two females come in and one asks if we have "Pearl Pins." I ask, "Do you mean corsage pins?" She looks at me with a blank stare, then says, "You know, the needles with the pearls on the end." At this point...pun could be intended...I realize that not only do they not know what a corsage is or a corsage pin, they don't know what needles are either. Since the wedding section was so close to where we were, I went over, got the corsage pins and gave them to her. You would have thought I gave her a thousand dollars! She yelled over to the woman she was with, thanked me profusely and they just giggled like they were on a girls night out. I smiled and was happy to help.

While up at the register, trying to finish untangling the last skein of yarn from a clearance bin, this guy walks up slowly to the register and says, "Do I just walk up?" I smiled and said, "Well, sometimes we grab your hand and walk you up, but not often." We all laughed and that was fun. There are a LOT of customers who are fun and enjoyable to help and ring up.

The next woman was SO fun. She wanted to know where the masquerade masks were. I told her they were actually in two different aisles and took her to both of them and she says, "You mean I have to make them???" I looked at her, smiled, and said, "You know, this IS a craft store. We sell crafting items to make things." AND she laughs. I laugh and she says, "OH....I know. I'm just not very crafty." So, I show her feathers, rhinestones, glitter (EGADS) glue pens, etc and give her a ton of ideas. I even suggest, yes I did...PINTEREST! I also told her that in a week or two the Halloween masks which are already made up will be in and ask her, "When do you need this mask?" AND then the dreaded answer came, which I figured, but was hoping it wouldn't be..."Tomorrow night." AND then we both laugh again. "Well," I said, "It looks like you have your work cut out for you." Then this big guy appeared. I asked IF he needed any help? He said he didn't, that he was with her. I said, "OH...she has a LOT of stress issues at the might want to give her some space." Then we all laughed. They were a fun couple.

Two fourteen/fifteen year old boys took the cap off of a HUGE bottle of hot pink paint and were squirting each other with their hair, on their shirts, floor, etc...and then the MOD saw them. They went off to the bathroom, where they proceeded to get hot pink paint all over in there. The MOD heard them, banged on the door and told them to leave the store. They said they wanted their mom! Good, says the MOD and off they went. The mom asked, "Was this an accident?" OH GEEZE!!! I get SO tired of parents who think their children NEVER do anything wrong!!!

And interesting young female was buying some art supplies and wanted to use a coupon. It "appeared" to be a Michaels coupon, but wouldn't scan off of her phone. So, the cashier copied the numbers and typed them in. That didn't work. MOD to the front please. The lovely darling had "doctored" the coupon by putting the Michaels logo on a JoAnn coupon. It was a 60% coupon, which we don't have. JoAnn's does though. Learned something new about customers with this lovely young person.

Remember I said I work at a craft store...a craft store. We get singles, couples, teens, children, families, grandparents, etc. A craft store. Keep that in mind. I know this will be controversial, but just keep this in mind. A woman decides to nurse her baby. She takes down her shirt, both sides, unclips both sides of her nursing bra...yes, both breasts are present and accounted plain sight, and the baby has latched on to one side...the other side is well in view. WELL in view. She proceeds to shop and travel through the store. People are interesting aren't they????

And then the "female in the skirt." On the headsets, we describe individual customers by what they are wearing, doing, etc. This one was THE "female in the skirt." I'm guessing, and I'm fairly accurate at guessing widths and lengths of fabric, that this skirt, from waist to hem, was all of 10"...just barely covered what it needed to. NOW, the reason I know for a fact this was a female shopper was, when she bent over, there was NO question about whether she was female or male. Everything was right there for you to see. AND when she left, the wind caught what little there was of her little pleated skirt and blew it every which way...and it was of little concern to her. People are interesting aren't they???

And so goes our two for one. Every time I work I leave the store pondering the nights entertainment. It varies from night to night. The people change, but the stories are the same. We laugh, we talk, we walk to our cars and we are thankful we know how to read "SALE" signs...that the glitter will be gone by next June, only to return next July. Did I mention we have the Halloween Lemax set up? The Halloween crafts? ALL of the Fall flowers? OH...and there are some Thanksgiving window clings in. AND did I mention Christmas will be in the end of September??? It's late this year. I'm VERY thankful. VERY thankful. I want to enjoy it.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Shift excitement for the 21st of July, 2015

Yes, folks...we have some stories about our shift at Michaels tonight.
I had just clocked in, stopped in framing to ask the mgr. what I would be doing tonight. Just as he was telling me, we heard glass breaking in the front of the store. A large frame fell out of a customers cart and broke. First item of business...get the broom and dustpan. They felt real bad, and I told her it was's not the first time.
Next up, a customer wanted some "crackle." IF you've never used it, it's pretty awesome, provided you want something to look old. I knew there was some in the craft paint aisle, so I went over there. Gal in framing said there was also some in fine arts. So, we were all over the store. I found the one the customer wanted and gave it to her. THEN she says to me, "How does it work? What do I do?" Now when she asked for it, I figured she knew. OH NO! She saw it!!! So, now I'm telling her how it works. She asks how I know all of this, and I explain I've used it many times, which I have. After the third time of explaining I'm pretty sure she has it down.
A very nice woman who spoke as much English as I speak Spanish needed help. Finally figured out she wanted carbon/graphite paper. So I showed her where that was. Thankful for the Spanish I know.
Next I was helping get the line down up front. A woman with two small boys was buying some things with her "gift card." She says, "I hope this covers it because I don't have any money." BUT she had other things she was going to purchase. I ring up the first pile and she hands me the gift card, which wouldn't scan. DANG! AND the line is building. So, I get to hand type it in. The card covered all but eleven cents. "OH! I have that in the car. I'll be right back." AND she takes the two boys and leaves. Meanwhile, I'm left with a line and her stuff. The next people in line are at the adjoining register. After they are done ringing, he hands me a dime and a penny. So, I finish her purchase, and give everything to my coworker. Just as I'm headed out on the floor, the woman comes back in with her little boys. I tell her another customer paid the rest, she takes her things and leaves...and I get to put the other stuff away. You just HAVE to love it. Keeps me busy.
I head past the magazine/candy section and find a magazine right on top of the candy. Exactly opposite is where it goes. I ponder for a moment...WHY can you take a magazine out and then just drop it on the candy. You haven't even moved a step. WOW!!! What ever...I put it back.
Heading up one of the main aisles I go to put some candles away and there is a Halloween....OH!!!! I forgot to mention...YES, there is Halloween merchandise in the store. Christmas next week I'm sure. Anyway, there is a Halloween candelabra in the middle of the candle section, ON THE FLOOR. Just sitting there in all of it's glory. Lovely.
Over the headset the cashier is asking the MOD about an issue with a customer. "The item is clearance and they want to know IF they can also get another 70% off?!?!" NO. Double NO. Not now, not ever, never. Once it is clearance, that's it. NOT what anyone said, just what we are all thinking. EVEN the cashier. WE ask on the headset, even when we know, because we like everyone to know just what we are dealing with up there. It's more to add some humor to our doldrums.
THEN there was this HOT dad who had some rather, OH how shall I say this, unruly, boys? Maybe that's a good word. Others come to mind, but what ever. One of them just about ran me into the wall. There were three of them; they might have been between the ages of 9 and 12. Anyway, HE was going to make a birthday cake for one of them. He did what ALL the women do, showed me a picture of the cake on his phone. I'm pretty impressed about this. NOT that I know much about it, but it was a MINECRAFT cake. He was going to bake a chocolate cake, and then he wanted to make these bricks out of the candy melts. Did we "have a mold to melt the candy melts in and make them squares?" So, I showed him this silicone individual brownie maker. He was impressed with that and decided it would work. I was impressed he was doing that. It reminded me of my boys.
I think one of the things which drives me crazy is when a customer comes up to me and the first thing out of their mouth is, "You don't have......" whatever. IF you know we don't have it why are you asking for it? OR IF you don't know, why are you telling me we don't when you don't know yet. Rephrase it please. "DO you have......" I sometimes feel link saying, "Nope...we don't."
Then there is this line...used with a LOT of hand movements, "Do you have....I don't know what they are called....but..." and they are waving their hands all over showing sizes, etc. Pretty funny. I ask them to describe whatever it is and what they are going to use it for. AND when I take them to it, they are flabbergasted. "HOW did you know?" they ask. I always tell them I speak craftese. NO, that's not a work, but it is a language. I guess since there isn't anything I haven't used or do in the store, I just know.
Then as I went around a corner, a five year old girls whines to her mother, "I'm bored." AND I wonder how many places that mom has been with said child today, which was for said child and the mom had to wait...
Now, about 6:30 three guys came in, headed to the side of the store and hurried down the side wall aisle. The minute I saw them I KNEW they were up to no good. I just "felt" it. I alerted the MOD on the headset to watch them. About half an hour later the store phone rang. I answered it and the woman explained that she had just made some purchases and was in the parking lot. She and the others she shopped with saw "three guys putting things under their shirts, and there is a black Nissan out here waiting for them." Code red! I told the MOD about the call and she went out to the parking lot to get the license number...and that car drove off SO FAST!!!!!!! Back to the store and she rounded them up. Asked the one kid for his backpack and we put it behind my register. It was empty. Who carries an empty backpack around IF you aren't going to fill it?!?!!? AND so the stalking begins. AND they decide to leave. She follows and gets the license plate number this time.
There are some nights I dread going to work; actually MOST of the time. I love the merchandise and the people I work with. LOVE to go into the classroom when Lenora has a cake decorating class, just to smell the sugar. There are things which make the evening interesting. AND then there is the side of society which makes me wonder about people and ethics. Some are driven by greed; they either just steal things outright, OR they want SO many discounts as to get it free...they might as well steal it. A woman got mad tonight when the MOD explained the coupon rules. The woman was unimpressed and got angry. OH well.....tomorrows another night.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Chasing some blues away with the grey skies and burros

I live in what most people call "THE Entertainment Capital of the World." I don't spend much of my time where the "entertainment" is though. In fact, I spend a lot of my time by myself doing what I do...which is my secret.
The clouds have looked promising for the last few days, and I've hoped and prayed for rain several times a day. Other than a splashing of drops yesterday evening, there hasn't been the deluge I've wanted.
I've been in a basically crappy mood today, not wanting to do anything. I could see the HUGE rain clouds to the west, but...SO, I decided IF the rain wasn't going to come to me, I'd go to the rain. I called my mom and asked if she wanted to take a drive. She did. So, I picked her up.
I had a couple of goals as I headed out.
1) to have a positive experience
2) to see Red Rock
3) find rain
4) find some wild burros
5) change my attitude
And so we were off...215 to Charleston and out the loop. We hit some rain for about a quarter of a mile. Not much; didn't even have to use my wipers. was rain. We drove to Calico Basin...I reminisced about still wanting to build a house out there. It's so beautiful. Saw a guy with a beautiful blue Mastiff at Red Springs. Then we went back out to the loop and headed south towards Blue Diamond. Took a couple of turn-offs and didn't see much other than cactus, Joshua Tree type plants, and the normal desert flora. Just south of Bonnie Springs my eyes caught something! Low and behold...a small herd of burros!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!! OH the excitement of it. My gloom and doom attitude was changed in a matter of seconds. I was SO excited. My mom counted the herd at least a dozen times. Every time I got back in the car she reported there were 10. It was confirmed several times...10, ten, X. They were all about the same size and looked to be the same age. I could have walked with them and watched them for hours, but my travel companion lost interest.
We drove through the little town of Blue Diamond...several homes for sale, and a few lots. May check that out.
And so, while most people come to Vegas to see the excitement and entertainment of the wild life on the "Strip" and downtown, I thrive on the wildlife of the desert. I'm such a simple, easy person to please.
It's only 4:00 in the afternoon, and I've accomplished my 5 goals today. It's a GREAT day!