Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My GREATEST Treasures 18 August 2009

There are many things that people treasure. Many "things" they seek to have in life. When you are a teenager you want a car. Then it's that guy or girl. What to do after you Graduate. That career or job. Always seeking. The older you get, the more you want to acquire. Money, power, recognition. The older I've gotten, the more I have come to realize that I have had it all...and once it's doesn't matter any more. I know what my treasures are. They are by far the greatest gifts I have ever been given in my life.
Mike and Katie
In August of 1976, I knew that I was going to receive my first treasure; this gift would be a boy, and would be born May 28, 1977. When this gift arrived after three hours and twenty minutes of labor, weighing 9 pounds and one ounce, I never realized at that time what an impact he would be on my life. I knew nothing. I babysat for years before getting married, but this gift, this treasure...was mine. He was perfect. He was an incredible baby...and I wanted more. Mike walked at 6 months and when he was one, people thought he was two. Mike became the person the other three children looked up to. When he went off to kindergarten, they would wait. As he would walk up the driveway after school, they would be there at the front door yelling..."Mikey's home, Mikey's home." He brought peace to our home. Doesn't like fighting and wouldn't allow it. At 14, he would get the other kids up at 5:45 for our morning scriptures and prayer. We almost lost him in a horrible motorcycle accident in 2003. I believe that day, and the months that followed were the hardest of my life. He has grown into an incredible man, who is extremely talented, loving and respected. Mike enjoys letting others take the limelight, preferring to be in the shadows. Last year brought Katie into our family. She has become one of us now. She is his limelight. He is a child magnet and will one day make a wonderful father.
Jenny and Bobby
Jenny came just short of two years later on May 20th, 1979. The first girl on her dad's side of the family in 47 years. I didn't know how the heart expanded and made more love. Her father was afraid to hold her at first, for fear she might break...being a girl. But at 8 pounds 11 ounces, she didn't. Jenny was tough. Jenny walked at six months also. The first time I put jeans on her, there was a protest. But I continued to put them on her. She still wore dresses, but loved her jeans and red baseball cap...that she wore backwards. Before it was the fashion. She was the one who brought spunk, noise and spitfire into the family. Jenny was cute! She lit up the room when she entered...and still does. When she came home from kindergarten on the first day of school, I asked her, "How was school Jenny?" Her reply was, "My name is Jennifer!" It was several weeks before she became "Jenny" again. When Mike was in the hospital, Jenny was there almost 24 hours a day. Mike's heart monitor would beat faster when he heard her voice. Of all my children, she seems to be the most like me. She has grown into a beautiful woman who has compassion, love and diplomacy. She is gifted and talented. One day she will be a wonderful mother.
Jessica and Jason
Jessica arrived on April 17th, 1981 just shy of Jenny's second birthday and Mike's fourth. She too weighed 9 pounds one ounce. Where Jenny was noisy and feisty, Jessica was quiet and content to just watch the world around her. When she didn't walk at six months, I was worried that something might be wrong. But...I was assured that she was perfectly normal...and at ten months she walked. Jessica shares a love of numbers with me and we have had fun quilting, canning and doing all sorts of things lately. Where she was content to sit back quietly and watch the world as a child, she is not afraid to share her feelings. Jessica is 5'11" and was always taller than all of her friends, including the boys...with a few exceptions. Jessica has grown into a beautiful woman as well, with many talents and gifts. Last year Jessica married Jason and he became a part of our family. They are both excited to someday have children and I know they will welcome many.
Bobby arrived on the 5th of January 1983. He was my smallest at 8 pounds 4 ounces. When he started kindergarten with Mrs. Burns, the same teacher the other three had, on the first day of school, she asked him what name he wanted on his little bear name tag; "Do you want me to write Robert or Bobby or Bob?" He looked at her and said, "You can just call me Spike." So, he was "Spike" for the first month of school. He has always been the child who will question EVERYTHING you say. Not only that, but he will do everything exactly as you less. If I asked him to gather the garbage because it's trash night, he would gather the garbage. BUT not take it out. Bobby is very exact. Bobby has been the one to push me the furthest. I thought Jenny did, but I was wrong. He challenged me more, tested me more, wore me down...He was the fire. He pushed EVERY button. He was the refiner. Through him, God taught me unconditional love. That we may not love what they do, but we must ALWAYS love them. Nothing he does surprises me. Nothing he says shocks me. BUT, he has a side, that I wish he would allow the world to see more of. THAT is the side which I enjoy the most.
Everyday I see children cussed at, abused, mistreated, etc. I am saddened by this. People have babies and think they are so cute...and the cuteness grows into talking, walking, little people and then they are: "curtain climbers," "rugrats," "brats" to name a few that are printable here. One neighbor even referred to one of her children as a "liability." These are my treasures. They were always wanted. I may not have been the perfect mother, but I loved my children. I enjoyed watching them grow and learn. They didn't have "terrible twos." Teens and Twenties were another thing. We made it though some wild times. We experienced every carnival ride that was ever made within the confines of our home. We had excitement, thrills, laughter, crying, tears, screaming, exhilaration, let downs, joys, pains, heartache, and everything in between. And we made it. We are experienced for it. They have inspired me to heights I never knew existed. They have helped me see things I never would have seen. They have pushed me to limits I never would have gone...with out their help. They have been my life. My joy. My gifts. My treasures here and in the world to come. I am thankful they chose me for their mother. I can not imagine my life with out them. They are the best.

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