IF EVERYONE was allowed to "remove" EVERYTHING which was offensive to
them, I wonder...would there be ANYTHING left???? Think about what
"bugs" you, or what YOU find offensive. Somewhere someone must like it
or it wouldn't be there. I almost made a comment about someone trying to
get rid of the Westboro Baptist Church. The things they do and the hurt
they have caused REALLY offends me. BUT do they have rights?
Geeze...seems like we have to walk on egg shells in every conversation,
every move we make, etc. Are other countries like this? Do they cater to
every whim various individuals/groups have? Do they cave at every
corner because someone is offended? What is wrong here? I learned long
ago. You can please most of the people most of the time, some of the
people some of the time but you will NEVER please EVERYONE ALL of the
time. It isn't possible. That means you have to give and take. YOU have
control over your emotions. You have control over you. I have lived with
depression for decades. There are mornings I wake up and I have to tell
myself OVER, and over and over...TODAY is going to be a GREAT day. I
don't try to blame things on others. I deal with it. I can't possibly be
the only one who does this. WHY do people have to force their opinions,
ideas, ideals, issues, agendas, etc. on everyone. We don't all believe
the same things, we don't all have the same opinions or ideas. IF we
did, there wouldn't be a need for everyone. There would just be a need
for one person. A carbon copy of everyone else. No...each one of us is
unique. I have many friends. We have some things in common, and the rest
we either accept or ignore. When you "force" your agendas, issues, etc.
on others...soon there will be no one left for you to force. You will
have alienated everyone.
I don't see a possible end in sight. What I
see from my little corner of the world is businesses, mostly small
family owned businesses closing their doors because of beliefs, wages,
and rights. I see the government caving to various groups because of
"rights" and wants. I see hatred brewing because some are losing their
rights because others are forcing theirs.
While I look at if from a
religious point of view, it all makes sense. I know from what I've
studied over the years that it is only going to get worse...before it
gets better. For me it's kind of like the "Ninja" roller coaster my kids
had me go on back in 1995. Standing in line was okay. We visited, etc.
The anticipation building as to what the experience was going to be
like. The we piled into one of the "cars" and took off...UP, UP,
UP...and then I looked down...EGADS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I looked ahead! EGADS
even more!!! I just shut my eyes, held on and prayed. I felt the car
looping over and over, up and down, around curves, etc. When we got to
the end and finally stopped, I sent up a prayer of thanks, peeled myself
off of the floor, let go of the bar...yes, my knuckles were white. I
tried to stand...I was SO shaky, it took a few minutes. BUT it was over.
I made it. I LIVED!!!
That's the way I see things from my little
corner of the world. I'm holding on as tight as I can. I'm praying. I'm
trying to focus on the BIG picture. I'm trying to be happy in my
chaotic, crazy life. I delete things which bring negativity to my life. I
focus on the positive, the happy, the joy. I change the things I can in
my world. I serve where I can. I smile at everyone and try to bring
peace and happiness to those I come in contact with...regardless of
their color, sexual orientation, religion, beliefs, etc. Coexisting in
the world...getting along with others. These are things we learn in
kindergarten people. Sharing. Playing well with others. If, at the
moment, you don't get along with someone on the playground, find another
friend. Maybe tomorrow you will get along. Have fun. Climb the trees,
swing on the now non-existent swings. Hang on the monkey bars. Wait your
turn in line. Don't push or hit...or kick. Respect everyone's things.
Don't get into someone's desk. Don't touch things which aren't yours.
Don't kill. Don't destroy. Wait your turn, you will get one. Think of
others. These are basic life skills. Everyone learned them, WHAT THE
Are we so far removed from Kindergarten we've
forgotten what those patient, loving, caring Kindergarten teacher
taught us? Why do some people choose to make life SO hard. Use the basic
rules. It doesn't have to be hard...you make it hard. You have a
choice. Make good ones.
Okay...that's my rant for the day. Have a GREAT day! I LOVE you!!!
Sadly, it comes down to Entitlement. Everyone feels they have the right to say, do or think whatever they want, but nobody wants anyone else to have a turn. You're right, we need to revisit the values and lessons we learned in kindergarten.