Saturday, June 20, 2015

June 8th, 1955-----present...THE BIG 60!!! Sixty.
That dash between 1955 and the present has been filled with SO much.
Over 20 moves; 14 schools.
First plane ride was over the Pacific in 1956...I was 10 months.
I've lived in at least 7 states and have traveled through/stayed in 11 others.
My first job was babysitting at 25¢ an hour in 1966; I gave myself a raise in 1968 to 50¢ an hour. In the 70's I had another raise to $1.00 an hour.
I LOVED babysitting; it gave me a chance to take care of children. I've always loved babies and children. I'm thankful the gift of motherhood was part of this dash. I love my four children, the mates they have brought into my dash, and the grandchildren I have so far.
I loved school and learning, and still do. I love teaching. It wasn't unusual for me to look at the pages in my text books and memorize what was on that page, just by looking at it, especially math. While my teacher was instructing the other students, I was looking to see what the homework was and doing it all before class was over.
I learned to swim when I was two; I had walked to the beach from our home, a policeman found me alone at the beach and I actually told him my address: 177 Kuukama St. I love numbers and remember the addresses of the homes we've lived in over the years. As well as SO much trivial information, I have been a "phone-a-friend" many times. People ask me things and more often than not, I will know the answer. These are random things, at times catching me off-guard, but we are all pleasantly surprised when the answer is there.
I have taught myself many things over the years; some of them I am proficient at, others just piqued my interest and I enjoy them. The piano was first, I was 9. I play for my own enjoyment. Playing it will bring me from the depths of despair to a state of euphoria. It brings me peace and comfort. I learned to sew when I was 9 also. This has been my main outlet for ALL of my dreams and desires. The things I've created over the years are countless. Clothes and costumes for me, children, my ex, my mom and dad, friends, classmates, neighbors, etc. The kids knew, and still know, that they can bring me a photo of ANYTHING and I will create it. No problem. I made my first quilt when I was about 14 from scraps from the clothes I'd made. That started another love. I learned to embroider when I was 8, followed by crewel, crocheting and knitting.
I learned fun of cake decorating by decorating cookies when I was 5 and 6. I made all of the birthday cakes for my children when they were growing up. It's fun, I enjoy it and it's something creative to do.
I've always loved to draw and paint. Whether it's a doodle in a meeting, or painting a canvas or a wall, I love it all. I collect bird houses and love to paint them. I love folk art and tole painting; had some fun painting on glass and metal.
I love to write; having kept journals since I was about 12. I found that writing poetry was also therapeutic when I was in my 30's. Writing poems allowed the release of pain and despair. I wrote a children's book...which sits in a drawer.
The outdoors is one of my greatest pleasures; I love camping, gardening, nature hikes/walks, etc. I love to plant things and watch them grow. When I was growing up, I wanted to know what every flower, tree, plant, etc. was and where they grow. I do have a green thumb.
I love old cars and working on cars, although I don't work on them much anymore, there was a time when I did and I enjoyed it. BUT I usually know the make and year of an old car/truck. Nothing like a good car show!
I've dabbled in architectural drawing. I just enjoy designing homes. There was a time when I would have enjoyed building homes, decorating and landscaping them.
I had fun modeling, doing commercials and being an extra in various TV shows and movies. The money was good...most of the parts were too. I was asked to read for a certain movie once and after reading the part of the script they wanted me to read for, I walked out. The girl stopped me and questioned what I was doing. I told her I would never be in a movie and use that kind of paid well, but wasn't for me.
I love researching and genealogy, organizing, scrapbooking, and documenting history. I love writing letters.
If there was something I didn't know how to do, and I wanted to do it, I taught myself how. YouTube has been a great thing lately with some of those things.
While I can be a quiet, old fashioned, simple woman, because I am a Gemini, I also have that loud, spirited completely insane maniac which comes out at times. I LOVE life and while I have a very dark side, more often than not, the light side is usually out.
I have loved to bake since I was a small child; making cookies and cakes is something I enjoy...and it's beginning to show. When I was a child, I liked meat and potatoes....NO vegetables...just corn. AND my food couldn't touch other food on the plate; I ate one thing at a time until it was done and moved on to the next thing. Casseroles and anything but Tomato Soup were OUT! All of the various things touched each other. EGADS! I have a child like that. BUT when I started dating Bruce and we would go to "Granny's" every Sunday, I learned to LOVE vegetables and fruits, casseroles and soups. She taught me all of my cooking skills and I LOVED that woman. She was incredible.
I enjoy most kinds of music, and LOVE to dance. Took ballet when I was 9. And here's something, a little tidbit, most people do not know. My first "boyfriend" had a band. He asked a friend of mine and me IF we wanted to be the "dancers" with the band. We thought that was a GREAT idea and made all of these matching outfits...when the band had a gig and played somewhere, WE were the "dancer's" on the stage. OH the insanity of that. But it was fun.
I saw a lot of drinking and smoking as a child...saw what it did to people and families. Made a decision as a child that I would never do either. 60 years of being clean and sober. Pretty glad I never had to deal with these vices/dragons.
As a child I had short hair all the time; bangs were cut using the scotch-tape method. GADS!!!! When I was in the 7th grade, I was done with that. I'd always wanted LONG hair, and I was going to have it. It's been long ever since, except for when I was in the accident and part of it was whacked short by the people in the ER. So, then I had to have it in a "shag" cut for awhile. There are times when I contemplate a different do, but it's a fleeting thought and I keep it just like this.
So, in a few minutes, it will be the day of my birth. I will be 60. I remember when I thought that IF someone was 30, they were OLD, OLD, OLD! Then when I was 30 I thought that 50 must be the new OLD. Now I believe that living to 100 might be old. I don't know what tomorrow will hold for me. Or the next decade. BUT I know from the past that there will be excitement, joy, fun, trials, challenges, changes, and life. There will be more to add to my dash. More memories, events, family, friends....

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