Saturday, August 3, 2024

 3 August 2016

OH the lightning, thunder and smell of rain outside! It's awesome!

On another note, work this evening was pretty much the usual. We did corner a woman last night, and she put the stuff down on the floor she had gathered and ran out. Total contents of the bag...$197 and some change. She's one of the regular thieves...but diligence paid off this time.
While on the register this evening, a woman who might have been my age was buying one thing...and using her coupon. No problem. She had a little girl with her; said child had one of the TY Beanie Babies...and she WANTED it. Oh my gosh!!! The woman told her no, that she said she wanted an ice cream and that's what they were going to do. The girl pitched a fit and said she didn't want the ice cream she wanted "this" and that was it. The woman said no again. Said child swung her arm back and whacked this woman in the back. Woman was calm...I wasn't...but didn't say anything. She told the girl to put said Beanie Baby back. Child said no. Woman finished paying for her item and told child next time she wasn't coming with her and said child shoved the woman who became off-balance and I thought she was going to fall over. I handed her her change. She told said child again to put the animal on the counter. Child said..."SHUT UP!!!!!" ON NO!!!! I thought. Not only would that child not get the animal, but she wouldn't be getting any ice cream and quite possibly a swat. Very possibly.

Then two women...a mother and her daughter, who had a toddler, were trying to get the toddler to sit in the cart seat. BOTH women had a hold of him and he was kicking and screaming and pitching a fit...unbelievable.

These were just two instances of my interesting night with children out of control.

I hear the storm getting closer. Sounds like it is right over the strip now, which is only about 3 miles away. I think we might get wet this time. How awesome is that?!?!?!?!

Glad to be done for the day.

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