Wednesday, August 14, 2024

 14 August 2024

Wednesday wondering. Who we worship. We wonder not. We know. We believe what Elder Holland is saying. We KNOW and believe ALL of these things ARE TRUE! We are thankful for the unshakable knowledge of these truths.
We know that GOD the Father is the father of ALL our spirits. He created all of us for a divine purpose. He is also the spiritual and physical Father of our Savior, Jesus Christ, the Messiah and Redeemer of us ALL. We glorify BOTH the Father and the Son of God.
We are also thankful for revelation. We believe in continuing revelation. For IF God no longer speaks to us, WHY would we have a need for one? What purpose would there be for a God? Why would we pray? Who would we look to for answers? Why would we even be here? Why would He have even created the earth? This would make the atheists correct. BUT He still speaks! He lives! He IS real. He knows EACH of us personally, and individually, as we are His spirit children! We KNOW this! There is NO luck. There are no coincidences. ALL things happen for a reason and purpose according to His timing and His plan.
Wonder not. Find out. Test this. Experiment on this. Know for yourselves the mysteries of God the Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ.

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