Thursday, March 6, 2025

 3 March 2025

Scullery Maid was busy with Kitchen Maid this morning finishing up from last night's meal with the family. Chef made corned beef, mashed potatoes, corn, and fried cabbage with onions and kielbasa sausage. She also had romain and iceberg lettuce with all the fixings; red onions, green onions, pepperoncini, craisins, fried onions, grated cheese, baby carrots, cucumbers, bacon bits, croutons, salad sprinkles, cherry tomatoes, and dressings. Baker made peach cobbler, and had ice cream/homemade whipped cream to go with it for dessert.
Building Maintainer was BUSY today. She set up the ladder and got up into the "belly of the whale" to install some insulation. It seems that 50 years ago when The Hermitage was built, in their haste, they didn't put in about 15' of insulation. Five years ago when the kitchen remodel was going on, this was noticed. NOW it is finally up! Is it perfect? Goodness NO! Sometimes perfectionism is out the door. This was one of those times. She felt it was "good" and since breathing was an issue up there, and black snot was the end result, everyone was fine with it and no one complained. Also, because no one else wants to go into "the belly of the whale!" Then she got out the drywall mud and prepared the kitchen ceiling, and bathroom area ready for texture and paint. This won't happen this week though.
The rest of the week MANY of us in The Hermitage will be BUSY, BUSY, BUSY. Chauffeur, Reader, Costumer, Prop Master, Board Member, Disciple, and others.
Someone has a teeth cleaning.
Reader and Costumer prepared for upcoming events this week. Reader was asked to read to two third grade classes, as well as a kindergarten, and a pre-k class this week as part of "Reading Week." Costumer dug out the Belle, and the Rapunzel dresses, as well as Pascal and a "pooch" who will be joining for the story time. Prop Master also got out one of the tiara's and a small cast iron skillet. Reader will be reading, obviously, Rapunzel, and Beauty and the Beast. Hopefully this will go over well.
Board Member will be attending a County Planning Meeting to fight a proposed Paint/Auto Body shop on the corner. We don't want it rezoned for that. Some of us in The Hermitage would rather have a Waffle House.
Disciple and Reader will be having some fun with the Activity Girls this week. There are also some choir practices coming up for some special events.
Gardener is pleased with all of the blooming flowers at The Hermitage! Lavender, daffodils, jonquils, iris, rosemary, violets, orchids, and the freesia are next up.
AND someone is getting their hair done!!! Maybe...that may be delayed. Ornithologist has been keeping her eyes on the Bald Eagles at Big Bear! Jackie laid three eggs; January 22nd, 25th, and 28th. She and Shadow have been sitting on the three eggs and two of them have pipped! Maybe tomorrow or the next day the third one will pip. She is SO excited to watch all this. She has been reading a LOT about bald eagles and has learned some fascinating things. She is having a lot of fun with this.
Anyway, things are happening in The Hermitage. Thankfully the wind has died down. It did blow a tree over last night.
Have a GREAT week!

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