Thursday, March 6, 2025

 1 March 2025

Writer has a touch of scatter-brain this weekend, and it seems to have carried over to others who have been a tad loopier than normal today. Disciple had to text a friend because she couldn't remember what time Church starts tomorrow! It starts at 10. Thanks Gina!
Gardener forgot the water was running and luckily remembered after about 20 minutes. But she hadn't watered all week, so maybe that will be okay.
Chef isn't on strike, but told Chauffeur to stop at a local eatery as she wasn't preparing anything. She IS preparing a meal for The First Family Dinner tomorrow. She is fixing corned beef, mashed potatoes, corn, salad, and peach cobbler.
Board Member has been busy helping at the clubhouse. We put up new blinds in the windows, replaced several electrical outlets, and put the AC vents back in the ceiling. She helped with the blinds and outlets, surprising one of the other board members.
All of us in The Hermitage are trying to get back to "normal" or what is normal for us. After some were gone for two weeks, we've forgotten what we are supposed to be doing. Next week will be a busy one! Teeth cleaning. Meetings. Getting our hair done with our FAVORITE hairdresser! WOOHOO!!! Can't wait.
AND it is reading week next week in honor of Dr. Seuss. Reader and Educator have been asked to do something they ABSOLUTELY LOVE to do! They will be dressing up as Rapunzel and reading the Rapunzel story to two third grade of the classes Queen's grandson is in! Then the next day she will be dressing up as Belle and reading Beauty and the Beast to a Pre-K class and a Kindergarten class! When asked why they said:
They love children
They love teaching
They love reading
They want children to have a love of reading
They want the grandson to maybe see them in a different light/way
They love fairytales
They love dressing up
They rarely have interactions with people as we rarely leave The Hermitage

Reading week is special

When Employee was working in school libraries, during reading week she would put up a display of "Banned Books" in hopes students would check them out. She once tried to encourage a couple of students to check out the "Banned Books" display, and they said they "didn't want to read about musical instruments!" Palm to forehead. Too bad! They may have learned something. Nevertheless, books and reading are THE BEST! Shopper purchased four books at the DI yesterday; two for Reader and Educator to use on their outing and two because they were Fancy Nancy books, and are delightful. Not to mention we absolutely needed to add to the thousands of books we already have in The Hermitage. Organizer saw the books, shook her head, and was dumbfounded that Shopper purchased them. Organizer even questioned, "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?!?!" Shopper wasn't thinking. She is just crazy when it comes to books and loses her mind. Well, it's already lost, so there's that.
Anyway, it is time for the Redistribution of our little treasure we've collected this week. Should be entertaining. Have a GREAT week. Share your light and your smiles!

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