Thursday, January 23, 2025

 15 January 2025

So much to write about, and WHERE to start?!?!
We all have been mildly discombobulated with our lack of connections. That may be an understatement. Nevertheless we tried to carry on. For the most part.
Builder and Hermitage Maintenance Crew got the drill and drill bits out to put the knobs on the upper cabinets. There were 21 knobs to put up. One drill bit broke. Thankfully between several men in the lives of those in The Hermitage, they had several drill bit sets to choose from. They were able to get all but seven of them done by 11AM.
Chauffeur took Correspondent to yonder phone store. Phone wouldn't charge, NOR would it come on. Because it wasn't damaged on the outside, and great care was taken over the years, the extended warranty would work. New phone for a little over $5.00. Bonus. Doing the HAPPY DANCE! It would arrive Tuesday or Wednesday. SO grateful for Disciples answered prayers!!!
Back to The Hermitage. Builder and Hermitage Maintenance Crew have ALL the knobs on the upper cabinets! Now they will be working on the ceiling, and other things to finish the kitchen.
Seamstress has been working on one of the PHD's. A felt/beaded Christmas stocking. She works for a couple of hours and stops. The holes in the beads are taking a toll on the eyes. But things are moving along and it looks nice.
Gardener, Landscaper and Decorator worked out in the front yard bringing in the Christmas things, watering, trimming rose bushes, etc. The daffodils and paperwhites are blooming. Roses were cut and put in a vase, again. They smell so wonderful in the living room. With no warning, our temperatures dropped and NO ONE TOLD Gardener to cover plants! This is NOT the weather we were expecting this week. What the heck?!?!!? We may get snow at The Hermitage and we didn't even cover any of the plants. This may not turn out well!
Organizer and some of her helpers cleared a path in the garage. It has been a big wreck for a few months, BUT we can now get from the front to the back and back again. WOOHOO!!! That's a bonus!
We've gathered firewood again from the piles of wood throughout the community. Many of the trees died and are being cut down. The woodpile is growing. That's good, considering the weather this next week!
Chauffeur took Correspondent back to the phone store this morning. The new phone is nice, but things didn't transfer as she had hoped. Only 7 contacts out of about 1000 transferred; two relatives, three HOA board members, one acquaintance, and a friend who died two years ago. Hmmm...a tad discouraged. Things didn't look the same. But we went on our way. Youngest son sent a link to help...but it didn't. THEN while looking at the new phone, a message came up asking if we wanted to download all of the old information from the old phone to the new phone. Correspondent thought...OF COURSE! If you can do that on your own little smart phone, GO FOR IT! AND it did!!! ALL of the contacts were back!!! WOOHOO!!! Correspondent still couldn't figure out the main page of the phone, so Chauffeur took her back to the phone store. The same lovely young woman helped her again. In fact she begged to help Correspondent. You see, there was a drunken, non-English speaking customer ranting, raging, etc. in the store. The English words he knew were NOT the words any of us particularly wanted to hear. Correspondent got her mace out of her bag. She was there for an hour and a half, and the young woman was thankful. Very thankful. The police were called. The guy went out. They locked the doors. Then letting another customer out, he came BACK in...and it started all over again. He was told the police were on their way, and left again. Correspondent left and passed the police going to the phone store. Her head was pounding. She realized that she hadn't eaten all day...AGAIN! BUT thankful all was well with the phone.
As we were ALL regrouping at The Hermitage, eating, etc. nagging thoughts kept coming to mind that we were possibly forgetting things. Yes...about 8PM we realized that Board Member forgot to put out the street sweeping signs, AND Disciple forgot to do Activity Girls! AND she had the Ice Breaker Games for them. JEEZ...
Scullery Maid is unimpressed with others in The Hermitage who are using her island for their desk and that Seamstress and Quilter haven't put away everything from their projects. At least she hasn't started a fight with them. Seems as though she has valid complaints. They will have to get on that Friday. Friday is clean-up day.
Tomorrow is another day. We can regroup. Find peace. Get back on track. Get our acts together. Sleep will help.

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