Wednesday, January 29, 2025

 28 January 2025

Thursday, January 23, 2025

 15 January 2025

So much to write about, and WHERE to start?!?!
We all have been mildly discombobulated with our lack of connections. That may be an understatement. Nevertheless we tried to carry on. For the most part.
Builder and Hermitage Maintenance Crew got the drill and drill bits out to put the knobs on the upper cabinets. There were 21 knobs to put up. One drill bit broke. Thankfully between several men in the lives of those in The Hermitage, they had several drill bit sets to choose from. They were able to get all but seven of them done by 11AM.
Chauffeur took Correspondent to yonder phone store. Phone wouldn't charge, NOR would it come on. Because it wasn't damaged on the outside, and great care was taken over the years, the extended warranty would work. New phone for a little over $5.00. Bonus. Doing the HAPPY DANCE! It would arrive Tuesday or Wednesday. SO grateful for Disciples answered prayers!!!
Back to The Hermitage. Builder and Hermitage Maintenance Crew have ALL the knobs on the upper cabinets! Now they will be working on the ceiling, and other things to finish the kitchen.
Seamstress has been working on one of the PHD's. A felt/beaded Christmas stocking. She works for a couple of hours and stops. The holes in the beads are taking a toll on the eyes. But things are moving along and it looks nice.
Gardener, Landscaper and Decorator worked out in the front yard bringing in the Christmas things, watering, trimming rose bushes, etc. The daffodils and paperwhites are blooming. Roses were cut and put in a vase, again. They smell so wonderful in the living room. With no warning, our temperatures dropped and NO ONE TOLD Gardener to cover plants! This is NOT the weather we were expecting this week. What the heck?!?!!? We may get snow at The Hermitage and we didn't even cover any of the plants. This may not turn out well!
Organizer and some of her helpers cleared a path in the garage. It has been a big wreck for a few months, BUT we can now get from the front to the back and back again. WOOHOO!!! That's a bonus!
We've gathered firewood again from the piles of wood throughout the community. Many of the trees died and are being cut down. The woodpile is growing. That's good, considering the weather this next week!
Chauffeur took Correspondent back to the phone store this morning. The new phone is nice, but things didn't transfer as she had hoped. Only 7 contacts out of about 1000 transferred; two relatives, three HOA board members, one acquaintance, and a friend who died two years ago. Hmmm...a tad discouraged. Things didn't look the same. But we went on our way. Youngest son sent a link to help...but it didn't. THEN while looking at the new phone, a message came up asking if we wanted to download all of the old information from the old phone to the new phone. Correspondent thought...OF COURSE! If you can do that on your own little smart phone, GO FOR IT! AND it did!!! ALL of the contacts were back!!! WOOHOO!!! Correspondent still couldn't figure out the main page of the phone, so Chauffeur took her back to the phone store. The same lovely young woman helped her again. In fact she begged to help Correspondent. You see, there was a drunken, non-English speaking customer ranting, raging, etc. in the store. The English words he knew were NOT the words any of us particularly wanted to hear. Correspondent got her mace out of her bag. She was there for an hour and a half, and the young woman was thankful. Very thankful. The police were called. The guy went out. They locked the doors. Then letting another customer out, he came BACK in...and it started all over again. He was told the police were on their way, and left again. Correspondent left and passed the police going to the phone store. Her head was pounding. She realized that she hadn't eaten all day...AGAIN! BUT thankful all was well with the phone.
As we were ALL regrouping at The Hermitage, eating, etc. nagging thoughts kept coming to mind that we were possibly forgetting things. Yes...about 8PM we realized that Board Member forgot to put out the street sweeping signs, AND Disciple forgot to do Activity Girls! AND she had the Ice Breaker Games for them. JEEZ...
Scullery Maid is unimpressed with others in The Hermitage who are using her island for their desk and that Seamstress and Quilter haven't put away everything from their projects. At least she hasn't started a fight with them. Seems as though she has valid complaints. They will have to get on that Friday. Friday is clean-up day.
Tomorrow is another day. We can regroup. Find peace. Get back on track. Get our acts together. Sleep will help.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

 10 January 2025

Writer is having a difficult time, as are the rest of us in The Hermitage. Queen was born in California, and all of us have spent time living or visiting in Southern California for the past, almost 70 years. We all have SO many memories, and as we have watched the fires burning, prayed for everyone there, and prayed for those working hard to protect and take care of the fires and people, we are heartbroken. We can't do anything. Sadly, we vividly remember when they used to do "fire breaks" on the hillsides and mountains. We lived in the Santa Monica mountains, "fire breaks" were everywhere. We know why they quit doing them, and since that time, these fires have burned uncontrollably. Do we think they screwed up? You bet. For years now, we have seen the devastation. But do they go back to making the fire breaks? Nope. And we are heartbroken. 

We think about those who suffered in North Carolina from the floods. MANY are still sleeping in make-shift areas, tents, etc. We pray for them. We are heartbroken for them. 

We think about those who are in ice/snow storms that are breaking records as well. We are praying for them.

The devastation, just in our country, is sad. We are doing all that we can do from where we are. We are watching for those to let us know they are at least safe. 

Organizer made a chart a week ago. She also made a LONG list of things that need to be; fixed/repaired, finished, built, or taken care of as needed. She has given everyone their fair warning about what she wants accomplished everyday, so that we all accomplish our year goals. Most of us actually think we can do this. And so it has begun!

Scullery Maid was very busy Monday cleaning up from the Family Dinner the night before. Chef and Baker outdid themselves, and it was great! 

Chauffeur took Shopper to a few places. She found gas for $3.07 at a MEGA-SUPER guild! Then they were off to a SUPER guild for some needed supplies. They found eggs! They were $6.00 for a dozen, but we found them. 

Gardener spent some time in the south 40 removing rocks and weeds. She will be ready to plant things in a couple of months. She isn't sure what, but time will tell.

Ms Maintenance repaired a 45 year old rocking chair! She couldn't do it before as one of the spindles was in storage. However, she made a tool to help her with the holes, got the glue and it is back together. She also put wheels on an old wagon that had crappy plastic wheels that were brittle from the heat, and replaced them with metal rimmed wheels. Works great and she was able to cross off two things on her list.

Quilter and Seamstress finished an almost 50 year old project. In 1976 they started a quilt. It is an Around the World quilt made from fabrics they have used over the last 50+ years. They had the corners and center started, but life happened. Four children came to The Hermitage, clothes needed to be made, children taken here and there, work, etc. The quilt was put away...UNTIL 2001. The Queen Mum came to visit and asked, "What projects do you have that we can finish?" Out came the quilt, and boxes of fabric. Two inch squares were cut. The Queen Mum told Seamstress, "YOU sit there, and I will cut the squares and give them to you. No need to get up." After hours at the machine, Seamstress got up. This was questioned. She said, "I'm going to the bathroom!!!" After a few days, the top was FINALLY finished!!! Seamstress had Chauffeur take her to a home where another Quilter machine quilted it for her. Then the quilt disappeared into a box and ended up in storage for 15+ years. In September of 2024, a box came off the truck marked, Around the World quilt! WOOHOO!!! Finally! The box was brought in and opened! DANG...IT...ALL!!! The edges weren't bound! What the heck?!?!? On Wednesday, Quilter and Seamstress cut and sewed almost 500 inches of binding on the quilt. A year ago they swore they would NEVER make another quilt as big as the one they had just finished. It was almost 10' square! Well, they had to eat their words. The Around the World quilt IS 10' square, each side is 120" and there are 4,225 little squares! As Seamstress sewed, looking at all the fabrics brought back SO many memories of sewing clothes for the family. Dresses for Queen, and the girls, shirts for the boys and the past King, etc. A few hours later and the quilt was done. FINALLY!!! After almost 50 years! Another thing completed and crossed off the list.

Disciple helped with journal making with the Activity Girls. The boys joined us. Hmmm...The Temple was an all day joy on Thursday. She visited with one of the couples she sees every week and found that he is an 8th cousin and she is a 13th cousin. Interesting.

Today Architect and Builder were helped immensely by a head builder! Concrete deck blocks and sand were purchased at the local building supply guild. A senior discount was given, which was appreciated. Back at The Hermitage, rocks were shoveled and moved, pavers were laid, things were set up to begin the deck work. We have gathered 8 doors with glass in them for the three sides. To say ALL of us in The Hermitage are EXCITED would be an understatement. Decorator has many items ready to decorate when it is completed. Most have a heart motif. This presents a problem, as many of us in The Hermitage wanted to name the building the "Love Shack" but were told ABSOLUTELY NOT! Hmmm...Photographer is trying to remember to photograph the progress. 

Seamstress has also been working on another hand sewn and beaded project. It is coming along. This was begun at least two years ago and put away. However, IT, as well as four others are on "The LIST" of things to do this year, so she is busy with that.

Queen's brother called today. They talked about the fires. 

Despite the horrific disasters we read about, we are hopeful. Disciple has faith. The rest of us are trying to follow her lead. But we are heartbroken. We feel the losses all of these people are going through and can't even imagine the devastation. We read something this week, and while we don't remember the exact wording, it was something like, "everyone and everything has an hourglass. You never know when the sand will be gone. But someday it will be." Appreciate what you have. Love those around you. Count your blessings. Smile. Be kind. Hug more. Keep going.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


31 December 2024
Well, here we are, the end of the year. Six more hours until we say goodbye to 2024. The fireworks have already started close by, as we can hear them. Some of them are HUGE. As we ponder past 70 New Year’s eves, we don’t remember going anywhere really. Not like they show in the movies. Now and then we have gone to friend’s homes and played games. We’ve even had some over to The Hermitage for food and games. But not recently. We are not “party animals.” We are NOT anti-party, anti-social, but we ARE wallflowers. We go to things because we are “expected” to be there, but we sit in the corner. IF someone comes to sit with us, we LOVE to visit and talk, but we have a hard time. We always have. It is a struggle for all of us. People don’t “think” it is for us, but IT IS. Just trust us.
Chauffeur took Shopper to the Super Store this morning. She got everything on Chef’s list, and a tad more.
Chef received the bags with enthusiasm and got to it. She was busy for a couple of hours. She made crab dip, macaroni salad, deviled eggs, coleslaw, “eggroll in a bowl,” and broccoli and cauliflower cheese soup. We already had a bottle of Martinelli’s, ginger ale, and Fanta Strawberry soda. AND Shopper bought a bag of Cheetos, as everyone in The Hermitage LOVES them. So, Chef has us ready to snack later. We did try the “eggroll in a bowl,” for lunch, and a bowl of soup for dinner. Both were great. Chef used all of the green onions, even on something where they weren’t called for, AND didn’t have them for something that DID call for them. Chauffeur took Shopper to the smaller market close by, and she stood in line for them. Then when it came time to pay, the woman she had been talking to behind her, told the cashier she would pay for the green onions! All of us were excited. She was, Shopper was, and the cashier was dumbfounded. It really wasn’t much, monetarily, but the gesture was huge.
Movie Buff has had three movies on so far today, Pollyanna…YES, we ALL weep at the end. EVERY…SINGLE…TIME. And there have been many times over the years. Then we watched The Parent Trap. The old one. And yes, we cry with that one too. We are now at the very end of The Swiss Family Robinson. Seems Movie Buff has a thing for the “Mill’s” family today. Writer wonders IF That Darn Cat will come up next? Or The Moonspinners? Well, she just put on Blackbeard’s Ghost! Maybe pirates are the theme? But That Darn Cat was a close second.
Facebook is interesting in that you can look back on your “memories” from past years. We have found this fascinating. For instance, on the same day for several years, it rained. Or, we did the same things, or the same things happened. Today for instance, the same words were used, “WOW! What a difficult year. Let’s hope next year is better!” Hmmm…
2024 was a trying, difficult year in MANY ways, however, it was also GREAT in many ways. A very good friend just posted the following quote. "Life is amazing. And then it's awful. And then it's amazing again. And in between the amazing and awful it's ordinary and mundane and routine. Breathe in the amazing, hold on through the awful, and relax and exhale during the ordinary. That's just living heartbreaking, soul-healing, amazing, awful, ordinary life. And it's breathtakingly beautiful." ~L.R. Knost So true! Life is a basic roller coaster. None of us in The Hermitage are very fond of roller coasters anymore. We’ve had our share of riding on some very famous ones, and are over it. WAY over it.
And so, when we look back, we are SO thankful and SO blessed! We are focusing on that. The other stuff is just that, stuff. We have seen miracles this year. We have experienced countless blessings. We’ve made it through trials with trust and faith. THAT is what we are going to remember. We are SO thankful that this is the year we retrieved our things from the storage unit and have no longer had that bill hanging over our finances. Financier is VERY thankful for that. Every day we are thankful for that chapter being closed. And thankful for those who helped so much.
Last night Organizer spent time updating the new blank 2025 calendar by writing EVERYTHING that ALL of us in The Hermitage will need to know going into the New Year. Today she proposed a new “chore” chart for The Hermitage. We all agreed that it “should” work well. Some of us smirked. Some winked. But we were given the “eye” and ALL straightened up.
Some of the things she has planned for us are just getting us ALL back on track. With retirement came adjustments. Some of us became slackers. Well, Organizer has said, that is enough of that. Time to get our acts together. And so we will do our best.
Gardener will be getting gardens going, fixing the compost area, and continuing to keep up with things. She needs to get with Lumberjack on the pile of firewood we have recently accrued.
Disciple had a scripture regimen she started in the fall of 1991 with daily scripture reading in the morning. She did that up until January of 2023, when she was challenged to read Jesus the Christ. Yes, she “could” have done both, but didn’t. Now she is out of her routine and needs to get her act back together. So, that is on the list.
Builder has the plans drawn for the “Love Shack” in the backyard. However, she has also been told she ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT call it that…Under ANY circumstances, etc. So, she and Gardener have decided to call it something else, but haven’t come up with any ideas. They are still going to decorate it with hearts and flowers, and everyone will relax in it. If anyone has any ideas for a cute name, let us know. We will get Painter to design and paint a cute hanging sign.
The list for Seamstress includes making a couple of Temple dresses, as well as use up some fabric for other wearing apparel. She also has 6 boxes of old jeans to use for something. She is pondering a long jean jacket.
Quilter will be making table runners, other small quilts, and who knows what else.
Crafter and Painter are going to combine their skills, and get all the wood “PHD’s” (projects half done) out and finish painting them.
There is hope for Scrapbooker and Historian going through photos, memorabilia, etc., and putting books together. This is something that has been on hold for a couple of reasons. One, a lot of the stuff needed was in the “storage” as well as the stamping stuff. NOW it is all here and ready to go.
Organizer is still going through boxes. She went through a box filled with 50 years of Christmas cards. WOW! That was interesting. The furniture, for the most part, is moved. Our backs hurt, and we have bruises, but things are down to mostly boxes. The kitchen is at 90% now. Chef and Baker, as well as Scullery Maid are thankful for that. They can now function at a normal pace. They would still like the ceiling to be finished, the crown molding, and knobs on the upper cabinets. Oh, and the ceiling fan/light over the table. THEN the floor will have to be done. Painter needs to paint the three bedrooms, but that will happen hopefully later this year.
There are small projects to do. Go through the recipes for Chef and Baker. Recipes have been printed off and just shoved in cookbooks. This is unacceptable to Organizer. Something will be done.
A HUGE project is the garage. OH…MY…GOSH!!! That will be tackled an hour at a time until it is done.
Historian is still working on Family Trees. Several of them. She has fun doing that.
Disciple works at the Temple on Thursdays, and is now the Stake Just Serve Specialist. More to find out about that this year. She also works with the 8-11 year old girls twice a month.
The piano is in need of playing, and now that we have all of our music, with a new hymnbook coming soon, that will be something we will enjoy hearing.
We will ALL be walking more, and playing more. Traveler will also be taking a trip, maybe more, and she is more than excited about that!
So, as we sit here, listening to the early fireworks, and close out this year with four hours left, we wish you ALL a very happy new year. May you all be blessed with the things you need. Let us find the joy in life. Let us look for the good in people, and everything that happens. Have faith and trust. Be grateful. Be true. Be humble. Be prayerful. Be happy.