Monday, July 22, 2024

 22 July 2015

I have found it very easy to forgive. Forgiveness for me is still loving the person, and knowing that in life, lessons must be learned. Sometimes those lessons are difficult. Realizing that maybe you made the wrong choices...sometimes someone else did. There are primary sufferers and secondary sufferers. In any given situation, you must figure out which one you are. Was the lesson for you? Are YOU the primary sufferer? OR is the other person? Making you the secondary sufferer.
Either way, lessons are learned and you go on with life. IF you hold on to the suffering, you are allowing the other person to hold on to you. Forgiveness is vital in life. It allows you to let go of pain, hurt, anger, etc.

The lessons you learn help you along the path for the rest of your life. It isn't that you are holding on to the situation, merely the lessons provided from each situation.

The hardest lessons provide the most pain; possibly as a way of always remembering the lesson. It doesn't mean the lesson was a means the lesson was important to your path of moving forward.

I know of people who don't or haven't forgiven. They live in fear of seeing the other people involved in their lesson. They live in hate and anger because they can't let go and are unable to move past that lesson. EVEN when the other party has learned, grown, forgiven, moved on, still cares and loves them.

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