Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Musing my almost 60 years....

I woke up this morning sometime around 5; before my alarm went off this morning at 5:15, snuggled with Archimedes, who is a lover more than any cat I’ve ever had. While I lay there comfy and warm, I pondered time; something I ponder about a lot. It seems that we waste it; ever have enough of…never enough. I pondered where I am in my life and then I pondered the past, almost 60 years. I thought about how life changes, how my life has changed; not always because of the way I changed it, but by the way others may have changed it. I thought of instances where I thought I would “never make it out alive,” yet here I am. I thought about how I’ve grown as a person and the things which forced that growth. At times they weren’t the most pleasant things. I was able to reflect on situations I’ve passed through and felt that euphoria of a home run, touchdown or hole-in-one. And so…I reflected…
Sixty years ago at this time an incredible woman was forced to make a decision which affected my life, and the lives of a couple who had been married…not quite 10 years. The decision also affected others as well, but some didn’t know it until recently. I say “incredible” woman, because at the time, this decision would have been difficult…any decision would have been in her situation. She was unmarried with two small boys, and pregnant. Five months before I was born she married a man, who knew her secret. We’ve wondered, since he knew the situation; a situation which was filled with secrets, fright, and I’m sure frustration and confusion, IF he didn’t use some sort of blackmail…but no one knows as she has been gone for five years now. She was afraid to tell her family and friends. She must have felt so alone. So, she signed the papers three days after I was born and gave me to a couple who had no children. Now I’ve carried and given birth to four children. I love them with all of my heart. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for them. The love you would have to have, to want more for your child than the life they would have had, had they stayed, must be great. To be so unselfish and to sacrifice your feelings for that of your child, to know they were in a better place.
Fifty years ago at this time, we had moved again. This would have been my 7th move; having gone from California to four places in Hawaii, then to two homes in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I had a step-father now, was extremely shy and introverted. My step-father was not a fan of my shyness, or of me. I showed signs of musical awareness, and a piano was purchased, as were books. I proceeded to teach myself how to play, playing progressively harder pieces as I could. I also started sewing; to power to create something, and wear it took over. I had been “designing” clothing for my paper dolls and Barbie’s for about two years. I didn’t “play” with them, I merely designed their wardrobes. I LOVED it…couldn’t get enough of it. And so, an obsession began. When I grew up I wanted to be a teacher, an actress, a singer and dancer, a race car driver, a designer, and a mother with two boys and two girls.
Forty years ago I had moved 6 more times; from New Mexico, to San Diego to Torrance, then to Grand Junction, Colorado, to Albuquerque and then to Malibou Lake…near Agoura, California. I attended 14 schools before graduating in 1973. After several, how shall we say, turns of events, my dad was back with us again. That in itself was a long story for another time. I loved driving to the beach, or the “Valley.” I was a loner…another LONG story for another time. I was almost 20.  Did I mention I wanted to go to the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in LA??? Hmmmm….that was vetoed as well. “Girls didn’t go to college…they get married…double hmmmm…….
My wedding was being planned, and for the most part, not by me. It was to take place 5 July 1075. THIS is what I was really reflecting on the most this morning. Bruce was in San Antonio, Texas for boot camp, and then went off to Chanute, Illinois for fire training. He was going to be home at the end of June for a week, and then we were to go wherever the Air Force deemed we should.
So…the wedding plans. Our wedding colors were Red, White, and Blue, being as the wedding was the day after the Fourth of July. We had taken photos before Bruce left, so the 350 invitations just needed to be ordered and addressed…yes, I did them all. I designed an incredible dress, which was vetoed by the powers that be. It was incredible though. I’m sure I still have the drawings somewhere. Flowers were picked out and a cake. The whole wedding was surrounded by bitterness, resentment and disaster, and the fact that Bruce came back “different” than when he left, just didn’t sit well with me. I told my mom that I “didn’t think I was doing the right thing.” That was vetoed as well.
We were married on the 5th and were two of the last five people to leave the Clubhouse...it needed to be cleaned up that night. SO, there I was in my wedding dress, taking down decorations, etc…and it just got worse from there. OHHHH….I forgot to mention that I threw up just before we got married…another story for another time. We went to some dumb motel in Thousand Oaks…so tired and went to bed. It was 2 AM when we got there. I looked frightful…my hair was trashed…we’d been cleaning for about 2 hours. The next few days we were packing things up to move. There was still animosity and bitterness, which wasn’t making our lives too easy. BUT we were ready to leave on the 7th so that we would be in Wichita Falls, Texas…Sheppard Air Force Base so Bruce could report on the 9th. It was one of the worst trips I’d ever been on. Driving from LA to Wichita Falls in less than two days…straight through…sleeping in the cab of his 1954 Ford F-150. That WHOLE trip is a story in itself…and definitely for another time. We were only here for one year, then we were off to Nellis Air Force Base. Did I mention I wanted to go to the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in LA??? Hmmmm….that was vetoed as well. “Girls didn’t go to college…they get married…double hmmmm…….
Thirty years ago…probably “THE DARKEST” time of my life…and it continued to get darker and darker. I had four incredible children…don’t know what I would do without them. I didn’t reflect much on this…hate going there. It was half my life ago…wow. Did I mention I wanted to go to the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in LA??? Hmmmm….that was vetoed as well. “Girls didn’t go to college…they get married…double hmmmm…….

Twenty years ago. What a hot mess. My children were 13, 15, 16 and 18. Did I mention I wanted to go to the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in LA? Well, it didn’t matter. I designed so many costumes and clothes for the kids that my dream was sort of filled…sort of. I found that there IS light after darkness…there is that light, if you seek it. I found myself. I found what I had never known was there. I found ME. I found out who I was and what was important. I came out of the unknown and bloomed. I emerged from the darkness because I searched for a light and found it. After questioning everything and I mean everything, I spent time trying to figure things out. I haven’t figured it all out, BUT I know what I know.
Fifteen years ago I decided to do something about my life. My children were on their own and I needed to fill a void. I decided to go to college. Yes sir…I was forty-five, in classes with fellow students who graduated with my children, taking any and every night and summer class available. I was also working a full-time job in a school district, a part-time job at Michaels, and five semi part-time jobs with various caterers. My life was busy and after the first semester, I realized how much I LOVED learning and excelled. I loved my classes. Maybe one day I will finish those six classes and receive my degrees…
Ten years ago was probably my BEST birthday to date. That in itself is a fun story…for another time. BUT at 50 I decided changes were in order. I’d made some decisions ten years before, and while there were some good things which came of them, there were some which weren’t. I needed to regroup. I took a road trip with my cousin Debbie. We drove from her home in Utah to my home in Missouri…then we took a trip to Illinois. We laughed, cried, talked about life and memories. The time we spent together was priceless. It was the best therapy for both of us. We saw things and places we both treasure, AND then we crafted.
A year ago Debbie and I went to Disneyland with the Burkholder Band. It was a lot of fun we did some crazy things and reminisced about when we went to Disneyland for our birthdays in 1960. She and I share the same birthday. I was deathly ill at the time and had no clue. I just knew I didn’t feel well. I progressively got worse, and it wasn’t until the summer that I found out just how sick I really was. I am so thankful to those who helped me through that whole mess.
And so we are to the somewhat recent present period of my life. I will be 60 in a little over a month. This is NOT where I thought I would be at this time in my life. I thought I would still be happily married with oodles of grandchildren, a nice home with many gardens, enjoying life; crafting, sewing, quilting, painting, traveling, etc. Alas, that isn’t the case. I ponder my present status frequently. Don’t get me wrong. I am SO blessed. I am near ALL of my children and the “friends” they have brought in to our family. I have two adorable, smart, incredible grandchildren. I LOVE my family. I have two jobs and enjoy my coworkers and what I do…but this isn’t where I thought I would be. I’m not upset that this is where I am, I just thought things would be different.
I have no idea what the future holds. I do know that in three days I’ll be in Disneyland; I’ve planned things out and even though I will be flying solo, other than the bus load of kids and other chaperones, I know that I will be fine. I’m looking forward to it, more pondering. And by this time next week it will be part of my memories.
That’s the way it is with time…it passes whether we are ready or not. We can’t stop time or hold it still. Over time I’ve come to realize that everything happens for a reason. No, I don’t know what they are, BUT I do know that were it not for all of the things which happened in my life, I wouldn’t be who I am today. All of these things, and those I haven’t even touched on, but thought about, had to happen. I’m thankful. All of it has blessed me in some way. Make the most of the time you have. Time is the most valuable commodity we receive every day. Treasure it.
I’m also glad I set my alarm far enough ahead that I am able to lie in bed and ponder life.

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