But when HUGE limbs and trees began to crash to the ground, it was scary.
Then about 3:00 a.m. there was a HUGE explosion and the sky turned a greenish blue. It lit up several times, and then the power was gone. Not for an hour, not for several hours...not for a day...it dragged on for 10 days. NO power for 10 days. To some, this may not seem like a big deal, but the electricity was what ran the thermostat that made the gas radiators come on. So, not only did we not have anyway to cook, we had NO heat. I had some food storage, but didn't include the canisters for the camp stove. Had I thought of that, I would have been able to crank that up.
Fortunately, I horde things. Down in the basement, I had wood that I was going to use for crafts. I started burning it in the basement fireplace. While I was down there, I started to organize things to keep warm. Bobby was under blankets in the living room.
We decided to venture outside to check out the damage and I was horrified to see what nature can do. It was like nothing I have ever experienced before. The devastation was great and it was everywhere. Trees were down all over the city. Roads were blocked, One word came to mind...HAVOC! Plain and simple.
but in reality, it was dangerous and in the middle of the night became horrifying. For days all you could hear was the ice falling and shattering and the limbs falling and crashing. Hoping it wasn't on the cars or the house.
The first day, we ventured out also on the roads in search of food. Taco Johns on the North Belt was the only place open. We had some hot food, and went home.
The temperature in the house got down to 38 degrees. Yeah...it was cold. We had a generator, but hadn't gotten it back. When we called, they had loaned it to an older woman with a heart problem who needed it to run her heart machine. When her power was turned on about six days later, it was returned to us and friends hooked it up at out home. Now we had heat...and a way to cook. We did find out that we had hot water about three days in to the ice storm. That was AWESOME!!! Several men from church went to other church members houses and cut up most of the big limbs. Bobby bought a chain saw and went out too.Most everything was closed. It took months for the city crews to clean up the debris; people from other states came to help with the clean up. Electrical workers came from far away states to fix transformers. Power lines had snapped all over town and transformers were blown everywhere. I was able to make some cookies, and when they guys came to do the power lines from the power pole to the house, I gave them a plate of cookies. They were from Michigan and spent a good two weeks or more away from their families, helping our little town. I was grateful! It was a Sunday morning and I was getting ready for church when the power was restored to our area. There were others in town whose power wasn't restored for days. I was thankful we only were without it for the ten days. It was an aweing experience. One I shall not forget; one I am glad to have experienced...I am thankful for a living prophet, and I know why he admonishes us to be prepared.
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