3 Dec 2017
As a woman of age, there are many things on my mind, and have been for some time now. So, I’m going to weigh in on this whole sexual harassment issue. Mind you, these are my opinions and thoughts. I’ve pondered them for some time. I’ve thought about things that happened in high school; no, I’m not going to list any names. I’ve thought of college classes, remarks from other students…and others. I’ve thought of places I’ve been, situations I’ve been in, jobs, work, co-workers, friends, etc. I’ve thought of how we “flirt” when we are young…and old. I’ve thought about foolish things I’ve done which thankfully ended far better than they could have. I’ve thought about guys/men who have whistled at me and I just smiled and waved…like the penguins in Madagascar. I’ve thought about modeling and TV/Movie/commercials and clothes I was asked to wear. Most of the time they were modest and things were fine. A few, I refused to read for and was told I wouldn’t get the part. So be it. Somewhere along the way in these last 62 years I’ve found my “worth” and would never have felt comfortable doing things which are contrary to my spirit.
I must say that I admire the words and courage of Mayim Bialik and Angela Lansbury. They didn’t come out and say what others are saying; they came out with opinions unlike those of many others, opinions much like mine, oddly enough. Here I thought I was the only one. But I am somewhat pleased to be in their company.
So, these are my thoughts as a woman, mother and grandmomma.
Let’s look at ALL the things “geared” towards sex and what drives people…mostly women, to shop for things so they “look sexy.”
First of all there is music. I love music. Most kinds of music. Enter Rock-N-Roll. I took a History of Rock-N-Roll class at CCCC in 1991. Maybe some of you know where the term came from, but on the off chance you don’t, I grabbed one off the net. Just random. If you want to google it, or whatever, feel free to do so. Here’s what wiktionary has to say: “Etymology—From rock (move back and forth) + and + roll; originally a verb phrase common among African Americans, meaning "to have sexual intercourse"; it was a euphemism that appeared in song titles since at least 1914 (Trixie Smith's "My Man Rocks Me With One Steady Roll"). So, if you are listening to RnR all day…as some of us are (me), you are being subjected to a lot of sexual innuendoes. I won’t go in to all of the other music genre’s out there, suffice it to say, it’s pretty much the same more or less.
Next up, billboards. Now I live in Las Vegas, so the billboards here are a far cry from what you may see elsewhere in the world. BUT let me say this. Women are portrayed as objects of pleasure and they are wearing very little. The billboards are more of an invitation than anything else.
A few years ago many of the women I knew were raving about a book—50 Shades of Gray. Why wasn’t I reading it they asked? Well…not my kind of reading material. BUT they all loved it and couldn’t wait for the movie to come out, or the sequel. This is just one book of many. Then there are magazines, newspaper articles, new stories and the like. Have you ever read the way some women advertise themselves in the singles columns of the want ads??? Hmmmm…
I remember when I was growing up and watching TV…and then somewhere that all changed. TV shows changed. Society changed. What you say and couldn’t say changed. And no, I didn’t watch the afternoon soaps, but I know they were and are filled with sex in one way or another. And then there are commercials. Do I dare mention that I don’t eat at one of the fast food restaurants because I just can’t figure out what that girl in a bikini has to do with anything? NOT that this is the only commercial geared towards sex rather than the product. Why is it that companies and advertisers choose sex as a way to sell their products? A burger is NOT a condom! And while we are on the subject of restaurants, what about Hooters? Yes, I’ve heard they have great wings. But they advertise something else. For those of you who have not been to Vegas and waltzed through the casinos, hotels or any other place on the strip, I’m here to tell you that you have gambling…and sex. Yes, there is food and entertainment. But what is the entertainment? I go for the Fountains at the Belliago.
There is a nail salon on the corner advertising “Sexy Nails.” My mom asked how nails could be sexy. I didn’t answer and don’t want to know. Although I have to admit it’s a valid question.
And I’ve gone clothes shopping. How many times have you heard a woman say, “OH! I want this! I will look SO sexy in this!!!” or something very similar. I know there are times when I want to look great in something. I asked Jenny to pick out some glasses for me which would make me look sassy. Not sure that’s the same as sexy. In high school they may have put me in the nerd or geek group. But I like them.
So, it seems that everything is geared towards sex and no one says anything or cares…until someone acts on it. AND it seems that it’s acted upon more than anyone ever thought, or dreamed. Where has everyone been? Hiding with their heads in the sand? This has been going on for centuries. Sadly, some countries have cultures where this is the norm.
It’s funny…sort of, but as I’m writing this I’ve been picturing Dana Carvey as the Church Lady saying, “Satan, Satan, Satan!” While that’s funny and I loved watching the Church Lady, it’s interesting how many things were spot on. The longer I live, the more I have watched these social lines move from one place to the next. NOT that they moved far or fast. For the most part the lines moved a little bit at a time and ever so carefully. But I could see where they were headed and it was more than eminent. Now others are seeing things through different eyes and they don’t like it. But once you move a line, it’s hard to get that back. It’s like the adage, “Give them an inch and they take a mile.” We’ve gone miles from where we were. No one liked where we were and didn’t mind the change…now they do.
Two stories come to mind. The first. There was this guy; a pretty important guy. He was looking out his window and saw a woman bathing. She was beautiful. I don’t think she knew he saw her, but he did. AND he like what he saw. He liked it a LOT. And he sent for her. AND even though she was married and loved her husband a lot, she slept with this guy; as He was important and commanded many. Time goes by and she realizes she is pregnant. So, she goes back to him and tells him. He commands her husband to come home and sleep with her in hopes that things will be okay. BUT the husband is loyal to this guy…this guy who slept with his wife and got her pregnant. Hmmm…the guy doesn’t figure on this. SO, he sends him out to the front lines in the war and he is killed. She ends up marrying this guy…King David. Her name was Bathsheba.
The second story I thought of is about two absolutely decadent cities; so vile, evil and wicked. IF fifty were found to be good, the cities wouldn’t be destroyed; but 50 couldn’t be found, nor could 40, 30 or 20. In the end not even 10 could be found. And so we have the story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot and his family, except for his wife we able to leave.
I started working for the CCSD in 1986. I remember hearing a table of 5th graders asking each other who was still a virgin. Was I shocked? YES I WAS! At the time my oldest was a 5th grader. I was horrified. We will fast forward to last week. I’m listening to middle schoolers and how sexually active they are. Random kids having sex with random partners; yes, they are sexually active and see nothing wrong with it. They see sexuality in their video games, movies, TV shows, etc. Some of their parents have never been married and have different partners frequently. Will any of these kids file sexual harassment charges 40 years from now? I doubt it. Having sex means nothing to them. It’s like eating lunch or going to the movies. Their lines have moved so far they never knew there was a line.
Have I heard sexually harassing things at work? You bet; in two school districts, four different Michael’s, 7 catering companies, and many movie, TV, and commercial sets. When I was modeling I heard a lot as well. Some of it’s been directed at me, and some of it has been verbalized to me but directed at others. AND I’ve heard it equally from just as many men as women.
Is there an answer? I have some. I know how I feel about all of this. I know there are weirdos, pervs and freaks. I also know that people will be people. What you allow in your life will be your life. You can be cautious. You can make choices. It’s all up to you. How you act, how you portray yourself, how you speak, how you respect yourself all tells a story. For some their actions, words, dress, etc. is just advertising. I know some of you won’t agree with me. That’s fine. These are just my thoughts and opinions. I know I’m not perfect. I know I’ve expressed my thoughts when I’ve seen a hot guy. Haven’t acted on any of it lately…heck. I don’t know that I ever did. This is the woman who as a teenager never kissed on the first date. Heck. There are guys I went out with who never got a kiss. There was this one guy who did steal one when I didn’t expect it though. I was surprised, and it never happened again.
So, there you have it. I also have my thoughts on where all of this is headed. I’ll hold those thoughts though. Just like I kept all the names quiet.
3 December 2024
Additional thoughts 7 years later.
Yes, this was seven years ago, but thought about for more years than that. Yesterday Organizer found a newspaper clipping from "Dear Abby" that was kept, maybe to be found just at this time. Her answer to the writer about the difference between "having sex" and "making love" was:
"In "having sex," the name of the game is sexual gratification. It's a selfish, physical exercise in which the partner can be a faceless object. (Anyone will do.)
In "making love," one is motivated by a desire to give pleasure, express deep affection and communicate one's feelings of caring. It's the ultimate in sharing. I "making love," the partner must be a special person. (No one else will do.) Love is a metropolis. Sex is a whistle-stop."
The Hermitage is on the outskirts of the "Las Vegas Strip" and the things we SEE when we leave are not unusual to us. BUT might blow the minds of others who live elsewhere. Women's bodies are everywhere. And have very little on. We find it sad. Nevertheless, it is there. To us it is a basic lack of respect. Some women, for whatever reason, have no respect for their bodies, or themselves. THEY make that choice. They consciously choose to exploit themselves. The things they choose to wear OR not wear. They way they walk. The way they talk, etc. THEY put themselves in a position that leads to other consequences. It is a dangerous, and precarious choice.