Thursday, March 12, 2020

It's Viral 12 March 2020

This week has certainly been interesting in MANY ways.
First we started with a time change. THEN an AWESOME full moon. We've had a LOT of rain. A panic over a virus. Parents sending their kids to school sick, thinking we are a clinic for their sick children, WHICH WE ARE NOT. Then there is the other side; parents who don't want their kids to get sick and withdraw them from school. Yet, I'm sure they aren't keeping them locked in their rooms until this all passes. Both are extreme. I'm seeing a LOT of extreme out there, which is frightening many others. Someone posted about a domino effect...and I'm seeing that out there. OH! And tomorrow is Friday the 13th. NOT that I am superstitious, but the wackadoodles who are, may find reasons to rain on pun intended, as it is raining and the parade was cancelled.
I went to the Temple tonight and spent a few hours there. Yes, it is still open, and they were answering the phones, "Las Vegas Temple. Yes we are open. If that changes, you will get an email."
It's been pouring rain for sometime now and we are in a flash flood watch. On the way home from the Temple, about 18 miles, maybe, I went through several flooded intersections and I'm sure it's only worse, as I've been home over an hour and it hasn't stopped pouring.
I found out that our Church meetings are cancelled until further notice. So, that will be interesting. I'm waiting to see what is happening with CCSD. I've not heard anything at this point.
This is "probably" the first time in my almost 65 years where tomorrow is questionable as to what will happen. I'm going to believe that my alarm will go off in the morning at 5:10, provided the power is still on. It didn't go off this morning as I forgot to set it. Whoops and dang. I'm guessing the sun will come up as it always does and I will continue with my morning "things" as usual. Am I panicked? Am I frightened? No. My boys called me today. One while I was talking with the other. That one sent a message to the other one while talking to me on the phone...they can do that...somehow...he said, "I'm on the phone with mom! Wait your turn." I laughed. They kill me. Each called about different things. The second one, who was waiting his turn said, "Mom...did you hear about Tom Hanks and his wife?" yes..."What about John Travolta?" no. "They thought he had it after going to Australia...turns out it was Saturday Night Fever and he's Stayin' Alive." I laughed. Hard. He said, "I knew I could count on you! They booed me here at work." They bring calm, crazy sanity to my life. WHY do people panic? My guess is they don't see or know the whole picture. The second son and I talked about how I taught them all to cook, plant and harvest food. They were taught to wash their hands, proper way to cough and sneeze. I prepared them for things like this. They aren't panicked. They are prepared. I'm prepared. WE will get through this one way or the other.
I've thought a lot about many scriptures all week. Scriptures dealing with being prepared and fear. This is one of them.
Doctrine and Covenants 38: 30"...but if ye are prepared ye shall not fear."
D&C 38:30. “If Ye Are Prepared Ye Shall Not Fear”
President Ezra Taft Benson commented on this verse in one of his general conference addresses:
“What are some of the calamities for which we are to prepare? In section 29 the Lord warns us of ‘a great hailstorm sent forth to destroy the crops of the earth.’ (D&C 29:16.) In section 45 we read of ‘an overflowing scourge; for a desolating sickness shall cover the land.’ (D&C 45:31.) In section 63 the Lord declares he has ‘decreed wars upon the face of the earth. …’ (D&C 63:33.)
“In Matthew, chapter 24, we learn of ‘famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes. …’ (Matt. 24:7.) The Lord declared that these and other calamities shall occur. These particular prophecies seem not to be conditional. The Lord, with his foreknowledge, knows that they will happen. Some will come about through man’s manipulations; others through the forces of nature and nature’s God, but that they will come seems certain. Prophecy is but history in reverse—a divine disclosure of future events.
“Yet, through all of this, the Lord Jesus Christ has said: ‘… if ye are prepared ye shall not fear.’ (D&C 38:30.)
“What, then, is the Lord’s way to help us prepare for these calamities? The answer is also found in section 1 of the Doctrine and Covenants, wherein he says: [D&C 1:17–18, 37].
“Here then is the key—look to the prophets for the words of God, that will show us how to prepare for the calamities which are to come [see D&C 1:38].” (In Conference Report, Oct. 1973, p. 89; or Ensign, Jan. 1974, p. 68.)