Thursday, March 6, 2025

 3 March 2025

Scullery Maid was busy with Kitchen Maid this morning finishing up from last night's meal with the family. Chef made corned beef, mashed potatoes, corn, and fried cabbage with onions and kielbasa sausage. She also had romain and iceberg lettuce with all the fixings; red onions, green onions, pepperoncini, craisins, fried onions, grated cheese, baby carrots, cucumbers, bacon bits, croutons, salad sprinkles, cherry tomatoes, and dressings. Baker made peach cobbler, and had ice cream/homemade whipped cream to go with it for dessert.
Building Maintainer was BUSY today. She set up the ladder and got up into the "belly of the whale" to install some insulation. It seems that 50 years ago when The Hermitage was built, in their haste, they didn't put in about 15' of insulation. Five years ago when the kitchen remodel was going on, this was noticed. NOW it is finally up! Is it perfect? Goodness NO! Sometimes perfectionism is out the door. This was one of those times. She felt it was "good" and since breathing was an issue up there, and black snot was the end result, everyone was fine with it and no one complained. Also, because no one else wants to go into "the belly of the whale!" Then she got out the drywall mud and prepared the kitchen ceiling, and bathroom area ready for texture and paint. This won't happen this week though.
The rest of the week MANY of us in The Hermitage will be BUSY, BUSY, BUSY. Chauffeur, Reader, Costumer, Prop Master, Board Member, Disciple, and others.
Someone has a teeth cleaning.
Reader and Costumer prepared for upcoming events this week. Reader was asked to read to two third grade classes, as well as a kindergarten, and a pre-k class this week as part of "Reading Week." Costumer dug out the Belle, and the Rapunzel dresses, as well as Pascal and a "pooch" who will be joining for the story time. Prop Master also got out one of the tiara's and a small cast iron skillet. Reader will be reading, obviously, Rapunzel, and Beauty and the Beast. Hopefully this will go over well.
Board Member will be attending a County Planning Meeting to fight a proposed Paint/Auto Body shop on the corner. We don't want it rezoned for that. Some of us in The Hermitage would rather have a Waffle House.
Disciple and Reader will be having some fun with the Activity Girls this week. There are also some choir practices coming up for some special events.
Gardener is pleased with all of the blooming flowers at The Hermitage! Lavender, daffodils, jonquils, iris, rosemary, violets, orchids, and the freesia are next up.
AND someone is getting their hair done!!! Maybe...that may be delayed. Ornithologist has been keeping her eyes on the Bald Eagles at Big Bear! Jackie laid three eggs; January 22nd, 25th, and 28th. She and Shadow have been sitting on the three eggs and two of them have pipped! Maybe tomorrow or the next day the third one will pip. She is SO excited to watch all this. She has been reading a LOT about bald eagles and has learned some fascinating things. She is having a lot of fun with this.
Anyway, things are happening in The Hermitage. Thankfully the wind has died down. It did blow a tree over last night.
Have a GREAT week!

 1 March 2025

Writer has a touch of scatter-brain this weekend, and it seems to have carried over to others who have been a tad loopier than normal today. Disciple had to text a friend because she couldn't remember what time Church starts tomorrow! It starts at 10. Thanks Gina!
Gardener forgot the water was running and luckily remembered after about 20 minutes. But she hadn't watered all week, so maybe that will be okay.
Chef isn't on strike, but told Chauffeur to stop at a local eatery as she wasn't preparing anything. She IS preparing a meal for The First Family Dinner tomorrow. She is fixing corned beef, mashed potatoes, corn, salad, and peach cobbler.
Board Member has been busy helping at the clubhouse. We put up new blinds in the windows, replaced several electrical outlets, and put the AC vents back in the ceiling. She helped with the blinds and outlets, surprising one of the other board members.
All of us in The Hermitage are trying to get back to "normal" or what is normal for us. After some were gone for two weeks, we've forgotten what we are supposed to be doing. Next week will be a busy one! Teeth cleaning. Meetings. Getting our hair done with our FAVORITE hairdresser! WOOHOO!!! Can't wait.
AND it is reading week next week in honor of Dr. Seuss. Reader and Educator have been asked to do something they ABSOLUTELY LOVE to do! They will be dressing up as Rapunzel and reading the Rapunzel story to two third grade of the classes Queen's grandson is in! Then the next day she will be dressing up as Belle and reading Beauty and the Beast to a Pre-K class and a Kindergarten class! When asked why they said:
They love children
They love teaching
They love reading
They want children to have a love of reading
They want the grandson to maybe see them in a different light/way
They love fairytales
They love dressing up
They rarely have interactions with people as we rarely leave The Hermitage

Reading week is special

When Employee was working in school libraries, during reading week she would put up a display of "Banned Books" in hopes students would check them out. She once tried to encourage a couple of students to check out the "Banned Books" display, and they said they "didn't want to read about musical instruments!" Palm to forehead. Too bad! They may have learned something. Nevertheless, books and reading are THE BEST! Shopper purchased four books at the DI yesterday; two for Reader and Educator to use on their outing and two because they were Fancy Nancy books, and are delightful. Not to mention we absolutely needed to add to the thousands of books we already have in The Hermitage. Organizer saw the books, shook her head, and was dumbfounded that Shopper purchased them. Organizer even questioned, "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?!?!" Shopper wasn't thinking. She is just crazy when it comes to books and loses her mind. Well, it's already lost, so there's that.
Anyway, it is time for the Redistribution of our little treasure we've collected this week. Should be entertaining. Have a GREAT week. Share your light and your smiles!

Monday, February 24, 2025

 24 February 2025 Part 1

Many of us in The Hermitage took a two week trip. Yes, this is HIGHLY unusual for us. Many of us. The trip involved wildlife (yes, some of ours!), new experiences and places, food, life AND SHARK TEETH!!! WOOHOO!!!
Story in Part 2...maybe at 11.

24 February 2025 Part 2

Writer thought about “story” form, “journal” form, OR “character” form. She “over-thinks” FAR too much for the rest of us. We all just said write it. JUST write it.

So, here we go. It is rare that ANY of us actually take a vacation and go somewhere. Camper and Disciple did go to girls camp last summer, but we don’t really consider that a vacation. Maybe a “field trip” though. BUT several of us actually did go on a vacation. And adventure. Somewhere none of us had ever been before. WOOHOO!!! Destination=Myrtle Beach, SC. It is known as the "Golf Capital of the World". It has many golf courses, including championship courses, mini golf courses, and courses designed by golf legends. It is also known for shark teeth that are “predominantly found along the central stretch of Myrtle Beach, from 50th Avenue North down to 10th Avenue South.” It has 60 miles of beaches! WHOA! However, they missed the memo on global warming. Travel bags were packed for warmer weather than Meteorologist planned for. Whoopsie! Capri’s, shorts, and t-shirts were packed and never came out of the travel bag! However the long sleeved tops, jeans, flannels and jackets were worn, layered, every day. We talked to many people who assured us that the weather was quite unusual for this time of year, or ever. Go figure! We also found out that this was the “Off Season” and most places were closed! Some places were only open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Weird. Coming from a 24 hour town, with NO off seasons, this was weird, crazy, and somewhat unacceptable. For the most part. AND the places that were open, other than bars and a few restaurants, were closed by 6.

9 February 2025 

Our ride arrived to pick us up at 8:15. We traveled with Queen’s youngest son, his lovely wife, and their pooch, Fräulein. As a Min Pin she gets a LOT (understatement) of attention. While waiting, Social Butterfly engaged in a conversation with a couple of pilots. Then Fräulein caught the attention of another pilot. He thought she was amazing and fawned over her for quite some time. Soon it was time to board. Said pilot, who adored Fräulein, asked us to let him know when we boarded so she could come into the cockpit. So, as we boarded, the flight attendants were asked to notify the pilot. Eventually they did, but we were already seated. After all the passengers were on the plane, the pilot made an announcement, “Would passenger Fräulein please press her call button.” We did. The pilot came all the way down to our seats to see her again and visit before taking off for Charlotte, NC. THIS pilot was incredible. AND NEVER have we flown and had a landing such as this. We didn’t even know we were on the ground or when we touched ground. AMAZING! From Charlotte we flew to Myrtle Beach, SC.

10 February 2025 cloudy

The RV has been residing at a KOA. This would be our “home” away from The Hermitage for two weeks, starting on 13th. It was cloudy, but we walked all around the park for about an hour, getting all of our “steps” in by noon. Financier and Banker found a $20.00 bill on their walk! They weren’t sure if it was real, BUT it was! Ornithologist was in bird heaven! She saw cardinals (her favorite!), red-headed woodpeckers, egrets, herons, ducks AND a bald eagle right outside the RV door! HOLY MOLY!!! She was stoked! We all saw a LOT of squirrels too. Godfather’s was closed, so we ended up at Ultimate California Pizza. IF you are ever in Myrtle Beach, eat there! Great pizza. We had the meat lovers. Of course. 

11 February 2025 clouds and rain

There are two women who live at the KOA and they feed the waterfowl and squirrels several times during the week. THIS was fun as several of us have a thing for squirrels. This feeding frenzy brought a couple dozen from all over the woods. Ms. Karin made chicken and dumplings for dinner, and it was wonderful. We questioned Chef as to why this has never been cooked at The Hermitage. She had no answer. But it may happen in the future. We are staying in a darling cabin until Bobby and Karin go on their trip. The cabin is SO cute, we REALLY want one! We couldn’t get the internet to work. We were given SEVERAL choices, BUT none of them worked. The actual username and password, we found out, were never “spell checked” and the “8” should have been a “B” and an “e” should have been an “o.” Hmmm…

12 February 2025 more clouds and rain

Because we are walking from the cabin to the RV, there is NO car out front of the cabin. So the cleaning people came by…twice to clean…they didn’t know the cabin was occupied. We are beginning to wonder about things going on. BUT not complaining. The things available out west, in Walmart, as compared to out east, are lacking. However, we made do. Bobby and Chef made chili dogs! OH MY GOSH! They were SO good. 

13 February 2025 more clouds and rain

Laundress helped Karin prepare for their trip, only to find out their flight for tomorrow was canceled! Disciple prayed for a new flight to work out. AND it did…We found out at noon they needed to be at the airport at 4! To say the race was on and that the dashing about began is an understatement. BUT they made it. Chauffeur did have to turn around and revisit the airport as a pocket knife was overlooked in a pocket. But they were off on their whale watching trip.

14 February 2025 clouds and cold but no rain! Valentine’s Day

New campers showed up for the 3-day weekend! The KOA filled up! The campers across from the cabin had issues with their horn! It went off at midnight…and continued to honk, off and on until about 2 AM! Chamber Maid and Maid went about cleaning up the cabin for check out. Returned the key to the office and thought we left something in the cabin. So we got a LOT of walking in. Chauffeur picked up oldest daughter and her guy at 6 and got them settled in a cabin before going to The Hangout! Another go-to if you are ever in Myrtle Beach! It was incredible, fun and they even had us dancing on the tables…and chairs! Yep. We did that! There are photos to prove this! AND they passed out napkins that were thrown at the same time and it was like huge confetti falling from the ceiling! They also have a wall of thousands of PEZ dispensers! UNBELIEVABLE! Also dozens of lunch boxes and rubber ducks. Fun place to go. Great food. Look it up. Again…GO if you are ever there. Thank you Jenny for bringing a heavier jacket!

15 February 2025 cloudy

Picked up breakfast at the Bagel Factory, then headed to Charleston. We spent an hour or more at the Cypress Gardens. IF you’ve watched The Notebook, the boat scene was filmed there. We did have to watch out for alligators! They ARE there. Then we went to John’s Island and saw the Angel Oak tree! OH MY GOSH! It is HUGE! Just incredible!

16 February 2025 rain, sunny by the afternoon

Disciple looked up the time for church…9AM. Chauffeur got her there at 8:45…found out it started at 8:30. Hmmm…she stayed. A missionary there from Summerlin! That was interesting. Then went back again at 11. Jenny and Angelo were ready for adventure at one and we were off. We were off to Dirty Dan’s for seafood. Another good place. THEN we were off to hunt for shark teeth. Jenny and Angelo found at least a dozen, AND this weird sea creature. Googled it, but never found out what it was. We found NO shark teeth! A LOT of wannabe’s, BUT no actual shark teeth. We did find a rock shaped like a heart though and that was a great find. We had some great food at Tavern in the Forest. 

17 February 2025 SUNNY!!!

We had lunch at Big Mike’s Soul Food. ANOTHER great place to eat. Big Mike IS big! And he is a GREAT chef! Jenny got this grilled bologna sandwich. Angelo a seafood platter with the cat fish he’d been wanting and shrimp. We went for the BBQ ribs. There was a protest in front of the city hall! That was fascinating. Small, volatile, and a medic was waiting with the police. It didn’t last long, and before we knew it, everyone was gone. Then we were off to Myrtle Beach State Park. Found out from the park ranger that the sea creature found yesterday was a Mantis Shrimp. Next we were off to Broadway at the Beach. They have EVERYTHING there! Fun place full of all kinds of things to do. Then it was time for Angelo to go to the airport. 

18 February 2025 some clouds and cold! 30º

Building Maintainer worked with Camper to learn the ins and outs of RV life. Camper can put up a tent and survive all kinds of things, but an RV is NOT something she knows much about. Building Maintainer can fix most things, but RV knowledge is not her expertise. Practical knowledge helped some, but we were lacking. SO Jenny took us to the Beauty school and we had our hair washed and dried! That was great. Took our minds off of everything. Then we went to Dagwood’s…NOT the same as the ones we’d been to. We aren’t recommending it. Then we went to Myrtle Beach Harley Davidson and Walmart for groceries. Movies, food, and fun night.

19 February 2025 RAIN ALL DAY mixed with snow in the early evening EGADS!

We went to several Antique and Collectables stores. Some were worth the visit, some not. However, Organizer and Collector found a LOT of things we have in The Hermitage. That was interesting. We ate at the Waffle House and decided there should be one in Vegas. 

20 February 2025 somewhat clear, BUT 30º

The pond was icy this morning. Ducks were hiding somewhere. The egret was on a tree that had fallen across the pond. Not recently. Building Maintainer was dealing with more RV things. Those are working out and that’s great. We took a trip to the information center, then off to the Gay Dolphin Gift Shop. That place is HUGE. Nine floors of everything you can imagine and more. Just for fun, we recommend stepping in and making your way around. We did NOT see everything. Just TOO much. The temperature rose to 35º so we walked on the beach. AND YES! Hunter found a shark tooth! NOT a wannabe, BUT a REAL shark tooth! She was beside herself. It was well worth braving the cold temperatures! 

21 February 2025 Sunny with a few clouds, but 25º at 7:30 when we got up

Chamber Maid and Maid were busy tidying up and preparing the RV for the return of Bobby and Karin later in the evening. They wanted to make sure things were perfect for the homecoming. Our things were moved to the cabin and then Jenny took Fräulein to the airport to get them. Their trip was worth it! They DID see whales!

22 February 2025 Sunny…shocker! 

We prepared our travel bags, cleaned the cabin and loaded the car. We had lunch at Whiskey Roots. Food was pretty good. Ran errands as Bobby and Karin will be taking the RV to the next stop tomorrow. We were supposed to be going to the airport about 5, but got an email that our flight was canceled! JEEZ! So Jenny was on the phone getting a new flight. The new one was at 5 in the morning! Not too thrilled about it, but nothing we could do. SO we had Godfather’s pizza. AND according to Bobby it was absolutely the way he remembered it and worth it! 

23 February 2025 not sure what the weather was like. Dark and cold at 3:45AM

First leg of the trip was to Charlotte, about 45 minutes. Next leg to Vegas arriving a little after 9AM. As we flew, we thought a lot about the fact that there are NO lines on the ground to let you know where you are. Even a map in the seat pocket in front of you to show you the route you’re on would be fun. The pilot never says, “Hey, if you look out your window, you’ll see…” It would be fun to see things just like on a political map. As we got closer to Vegas, we knew Lake Mead, and everything else. Photographer got a picture of the dam and the bridge. Also Wayne’s house. We are thankful for a good friend who came to pick us up. Chauffeur got Jenny home around noon, then we had a quiet evening. We have returned to The Hermitage.

Trips are fun, entertaining, adventurous, exciting, expensive, and SO much more. We are SO incredibly thankful we could experience this. But it is always nice to come home and sleep in your own beds. We saw God’s hand in our lives many times, saw His tender mercies and timing. We ate a lot of fish, shrimp, crab and scallops. We also learned a new reply to things, “NOTED.”

Laundress did two loads of wash today. Gardener watered the houseplants and outside. The iris are starting to bloom. Jonquils, lavender, rosemary, and violets are blooming. Freesias are getting ready to bloom. Financier and Banker worked on the ledger and bills. Ornithologist filled the hummingbird feeders. Things are “normal” in The Hermitage, whatever that is. We are thankful and blessed! We are pressing forward with duties and projects.  

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

 30 January 2025

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

 28 January 2025

Thursday, January 23, 2025

 15 January 2025

So much to write about, and WHERE to start?!?!
We all have been mildly discombobulated with our lack of connections. That may be an understatement. Nevertheless we tried to carry on. For the most part.
Builder and Hermitage Maintenance Crew got the drill and drill bits out to put the knobs on the upper cabinets. There were 21 knobs to put up. One drill bit broke. Thankfully between several men in the lives of those in The Hermitage, they had several drill bit sets to choose from. They were able to get all but seven of them done by 11AM.
Chauffeur took Correspondent to yonder phone store. Phone wouldn't charge, NOR would it come on. Because it wasn't damaged on the outside, and great care was taken over the years, the extended warranty would work. New phone for a little over $5.00. Bonus. Doing the HAPPY DANCE! It would arrive Tuesday or Wednesday. SO grateful for Disciples answered prayers!!!
Back to The Hermitage. Builder and Hermitage Maintenance Crew have ALL the knobs on the upper cabinets! Now they will be working on the ceiling, and other things to finish the kitchen.
Seamstress has been working on one of the PHD's. A felt/beaded Christmas stocking. She works for a couple of hours and stops. The holes in the beads are taking a toll on the eyes. But things are moving along and it looks nice.
Gardener, Landscaper and Decorator worked out in the front yard bringing in the Christmas things, watering, trimming rose bushes, etc. The daffodils and paperwhites are blooming. Roses were cut and put in a vase, again. They smell so wonderful in the living room. With no warning, our temperatures dropped and NO ONE TOLD Gardener to cover plants! This is NOT the weather we were expecting this week. What the heck?!?!!? We may get snow at The Hermitage and we didn't even cover any of the plants. This may not turn out well!
Organizer and some of her helpers cleared a path in the garage. It has been a big wreck for a few months, BUT we can now get from the front to the back and back again. WOOHOO!!! That's a bonus!
We've gathered firewood again from the piles of wood throughout the community. Many of the trees died and are being cut down. The woodpile is growing. That's good, considering the weather this next week!
Chauffeur took Correspondent back to the phone store this morning. The new phone is nice, but things didn't transfer as she had hoped. Only 7 contacts out of about 1000 transferred; two relatives, three HOA board members, one acquaintance, and a friend who died two years ago. Hmmm...a tad discouraged. Things didn't look the same. But we went on our way. Youngest son sent a link to help...but it didn't. THEN while looking at the new phone, a message came up asking if we wanted to download all of the old information from the old phone to the new phone. Correspondent thought...OF COURSE! If you can do that on your own little smart phone, GO FOR IT! AND it did!!! ALL of the contacts were back!!! WOOHOO!!! Correspondent still couldn't figure out the main page of the phone, so Chauffeur took her back to the phone store. The same lovely young woman helped her again. In fact she begged to help Correspondent. You see, there was a drunken, non-English speaking customer ranting, raging, etc. in the store. The English words he knew were NOT the words any of us particularly wanted to hear. Correspondent got her mace out of her bag. She was there for an hour and a half, and the young woman was thankful. Very thankful. The police were called. The guy went out. They locked the doors. Then letting another customer out, he came BACK in...and it started all over again. He was told the police were on their way, and left again. Correspondent left and passed the police going to the phone store. Her head was pounding. She realized that she hadn't eaten all day...AGAIN! BUT thankful all was well with the phone.
As we were ALL regrouping at The Hermitage, eating, etc. nagging thoughts kept coming to mind that we were possibly forgetting things. Yes...about 8PM we realized that Board Member forgot to put out the street sweeping signs, AND Disciple forgot to do Activity Girls! AND she had the Ice Breaker Games for them. JEEZ...
Scullery Maid is unimpressed with others in The Hermitage who are using her island for their desk and that Seamstress and Quilter haven't put away everything from their projects. At least she hasn't started a fight with them. Seems as though she has valid complaints. They will have to get on that Friday. Friday is clean-up day.
Tomorrow is another day. We can regroup. Find peace. Get back on track. Get our acts together. Sleep will help.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

 10 January 2025

Writer is having a difficult time, as are the rest of us in The Hermitage. Queen was born in California, and all of us have spent time living or visiting in Southern California for the past, almost 70 years. We all have SO many memories, and as we have watched the fires burning, prayed for everyone there, and prayed for those working hard to protect and take care of the fires and people, we are heartbroken. We can't do anything. Sadly, we vividly remember when they used to do "fire breaks" on the hillsides and mountains. We lived in the Santa Monica mountains, "fire breaks" were everywhere. We know why they quit doing them, and since that time, these fires have burned uncontrollably. Do we think they screwed up? You bet. For years now, we have seen the devastation. But do they go back to making the fire breaks? Nope. And we are heartbroken. 

We think about those who suffered in North Carolina from the floods. MANY are still sleeping in make-shift areas, tents, etc. We pray for them. We are heartbroken for them. 

We think about those who are in ice/snow storms that are breaking records as well. We are praying for them.

The devastation, just in our country, is sad. We are doing all that we can do from where we are. We are watching for those to let us know they are at least safe. 

Organizer made a chart a week ago. She also made a LONG list of things that need to be; fixed/repaired, finished, built, or taken care of as needed. She has given everyone their fair warning about what she wants accomplished everyday, so that we all accomplish our year goals. Most of us actually think we can do this. And so it has begun!

Scullery Maid was very busy Monday cleaning up from the Family Dinner the night before. Chef and Baker outdid themselves, and it was great! 

Chauffeur took Shopper to a few places. She found gas for $3.07 at a MEGA-SUPER guild! Then they were off to a SUPER guild for some needed supplies. They found eggs! They were $6.00 for a dozen, but we found them. 

Gardener spent some time in the south 40 removing rocks and weeds. She will be ready to plant things in a couple of months. She isn't sure what, but time will tell.

Ms Maintenance repaired a 45 year old rocking chair! She couldn't do it before as one of the spindles was in storage. However, she made a tool to help her with the holes, got the glue and it is back together. She also put wheels on an old wagon that had crappy plastic wheels that were brittle from the heat, and replaced them with metal rimmed wheels. Works great and she was able to cross off two things on her list.

Quilter and Seamstress finished an almost 50 year old project. In 1976 they started a quilt. It is an Around the World quilt made from fabrics they have used over the last 50+ years. They had the corners and center started, but life happened. Four children came to The Hermitage, clothes needed to be made, children taken here and there, work, etc. The quilt was put away...UNTIL 2001. The Queen Mum came to visit and asked, "What projects do you have that we can finish?" Out came the quilt, and boxes of fabric. Two inch squares were cut. The Queen Mum told Seamstress, "YOU sit there, and I will cut the squares and give them to you. No need to get up." After hours at the machine, Seamstress got up. This was questioned. She said, "I'm going to the bathroom!!!" After a few days, the top was FINALLY finished!!! Seamstress had Chauffeur take her to a home where another Quilter machine quilted it for her. Then the quilt disappeared into a box and ended up in storage for 15+ years. In September of 2024, a box came off the truck marked, Around the World quilt! WOOHOO!!! Finally! The box was brought in and opened! DANG...IT...ALL!!! The edges weren't bound! What the heck?!?!? On Wednesday, Quilter and Seamstress cut and sewed almost 500 inches of binding on the quilt. A year ago they swore they would NEVER make another quilt as big as the one they had just finished. It was almost 10' square! Well, they had to eat their words. The Around the World quilt IS 10' square, each side is 120" and there are 4,225 little squares! As Seamstress sewed, looking at all the fabrics brought back SO many memories of sewing clothes for the family. Dresses for Queen, and the girls, shirts for the boys and the past King, etc. A few hours later and the quilt was done. FINALLY!!! After almost 50 years! Another thing completed and crossed off the list.

Disciple helped with journal making with the Activity Girls. The boys joined us. Hmmm...The Temple was an all day joy on Thursday. She visited with one of the couples she sees every week and found that he is an 8th cousin and she is a 13th cousin. Interesting.

Today Architect and Builder were helped immensely by a head builder! Concrete deck blocks and sand were purchased at the local building supply guild. A senior discount was given, which was appreciated. Back at The Hermitage, rocks were shoveled and moved, pavers were laid, things were set up to begin the deck work. We have gathered 8 doors with glass in them for the three sides. To say ALL of us in The Hermitage are EXCITED would be an understatement. Decorator has many items ready to decorate when it is completed. Most have a heart motif. This presents a problem, as many of us in The Hermitage wanted to name the building the "Love Shack" but were told ABSOLUTELY NOT! Hmmm...Photographer is trying to remember to photograph the progress. 

Seamstress has also been working on another hand sewn and beaded project. It is coming along. This was begun at least two years ago and put away. However, IT, as well as four others are on "The LIST" of things to do this year, so she is busy with that.

Queen's brother called today. They talked about the fires. 

Despite the horrific disasters we read about, we are hopeful. Disciple has faith. The rest of us are trying to follow her lead. But we are heartbroken. We feel the losses all of these people are going through and can't even imagine the devastation. We read something this week, and while we don't remember the exact wording, it was something like, "everyone and everything has an hourglass. You never know when the sand will be gone. But someday it will be." Appreciate what you have. Love those around you. Count your blessings. Smile. Be kind. Hug more. Keep going.