Sunday, September 22, 2024

 22 September 2024

Writer is somewhat ready to do this. It has been almost 10 days since something has been put forth from The Hermitage. She is going to assure you ALL that we are ALL still breathing, ALL still functioning and ALL still full of hope. With that said, most of the dozen or more bruises have dissipated. IcyHot is still working on the shoulders, hot showers on backs AND AdvilPM to help us sleep. 

Organizer "thought" she had everything under control, AND for the most part she did. AND does. No one is complaining, but SHE is, at times, distraught at how slowly things are going. WE ALL remind her that she needs to practice patience. ALL of this has been "collected" for at LEAST 50 years! We can't just deal with it in a few days. We've tried to remind her to calm down. There is a yellow post-it we found in a box that is helping, to a point. This is what is written on it, "Sometimes we need to become frustrated to make a breakthrough in our thinking. It's part of the process." WE also take breaks when we are at a breaking point. Sometimes it is a walk. Sometimes it is a phone call. Sometimes it is just standing outside. Financier and Banker remind us that we are now saving over $200.00 a month, and it's ALL going to be okay. 

There was NOwhere to sit in The Hermitage the first little while. AND there were slim trails from the front door to the kitchen, WHICH we could barely get to the sink. Chef hasn't been able to cook. Baker hasn't even thought of working. ALTHOUGH BOTH have found some COOL things they'd forgotten ALL about! THAT was interesting. They also found that now we not only have duplicates of most things, BUT quadruplicate of many things. They have decided to part with MANY things. Maids finally cleared a way to the fridge, and garage. That is a bonus. 

Zoophilist went with Chauffeur to the old homelands to take 6 huge bags of blankets, towels, pillows, etc. to the animal shelter that was begging for donations. The roads and streets in the old homelands are NOT the same. Chauffeur didn't get lost, but questioned the madness over there. 

Laundress has done several loads of laundry.

Kitchen and Scullery Maids have washed SO many dishes, silverware, Tupperware, ETC! Chef and Baker are NOT on strike, but doing the minimum. 

Gardener took a much needed break and mowed the lawn and watered by hand. 

Correspondent had Chauffeur take her to the post office to mail a birthday card and some notes of appreciation. While in line she asked the people in front of her what was in the five white boxes they were sending off. She knew they were birds, as the boxes had that. She was told they were "racing pigeons" worth several thousand dollars and on their way to the Philippines. On the ride home she and Chauffeur discussed the many things people spend their money and time on. ALL of us have our own issues, and we see others have them too, they are just more expensive. 

Builder and Landscaper saw some French Doors in the back of a trailer. Chauffeur stopped to inquire and found that they were indeed going to the trash. ALL of the windows were intact and the doors would be perfect for the three-sided building Builder and Landscaper want to erect in the backyard. The guy said we could have them for $50.00, and we thanked him and said it was okay. We just wanted to "save" them from a death at the dump. After visiting with him for about an hour, he said we could have them for free. Perfect! Queen's youngest would be somewhat impressed.

Those responsible for items in 2-4 drawer files, and 1-2 drawer file, emptied out the files to be used as planters and have been going through the arduous task of going through each file. They were ALL astonished that some of these papers, magazine articles, newspaper articles, ETC., ETC., ETC., were at least 50 years old! AND WHY DID WE KEEP THEM?!?!?! The things they found brought back memories, hopes, dreams, plans, and much more. ALL for naught. NONE of these hopes, dreams, plans, ETC., have come to fruition. Architect drew many house plans, which never happened. Crafter, Painter, Seamstress, Quilter, Crocheter, Knitter, Organizer, ETC., haven't done ANY of these things. A break was needed. 

We thought of ALL of the things that were SO important 50 years ago. NONE of those things are important at all now. All are basically meaningless. Time has taken its toll and are nothing now. We are all alone in The Hermitage. There is no one really who "cares" about any of this "stuff" and we have found that because no one else cares, we don't either. We have come to a point where we are getting rid of everything that ever meant something and replacing it with things that mean nothing. That way, somewhere in the distant future...hopefully WAY distant, it will be easy to just toss everything out. It is meaningless. 

All of this has caused us to have mental, emotional and physical distress and agony. AND take another much needed break. 

We have learned that some boxes don't need to be opened at this time. They are boxes that were filled in 1996, moved to Missouri, NEVER opened and then moved to storage in 2008, AND NOW they are here...with ALL of their memories. We opened one box and it had all of the little dresses Seamstress made for Queen's daughter's from the time they were born until she made baptism dresses when they were 8. The box was closed. What to do? We don't know. Another box had fireman turnouts one of the boys must have used for Halloween one year. Also the youngest son's bright yellow M.C. Hammer parachute pants! More memories and the box was closed. 

Sometimes two walks are needed. Since Chef isn't working on cooking, we try to remember to eat. We do remember to drink our water. We rest and take breaks. We remind ourselves that this isn't a race and it doesn't have to be done RIGHT NOW! 

Disciple has done a LOT of praying for ALL of us in The Hermitage. She knows the pains we are dealing with. Some mental, some physical, many emotional. MANY. Some of us pray with her. Some of us cry. ALL of us are thinking about life...and death. Three friends died within a week. One funeral was attended. The other two are at the end of the month and beginning of next month. Disciple has a LOT of conversations with those on the other side. Especially those who are the highest. She knows that all of this has happened according to His will and timing. We don't know the future, BUT we KNOW that HE KNOWS! He knows what the future holds and is preparing us for that. We are thankful to know that Disciple is strong and focused on the things of God and what is happening. 

Employee went to lunch with a friend she's had for almost 40 years! That was a welcome break. It was GREAT to visit and just talk about things. She is a great friend.

Grandmomma had another break and diversion with the youngest grandson. His parents were celebrating their 16th wedding anniversary. Saturday morning Chauffeur took us to Hemenway Park in Boulder City and saw the wild Big Horn Sheep.  He is SO like Zoophilist. He SO wanted to pet them. He had to be reminded that they are WILD animals and that they can and will butt you with those horns! So he patiently watched them and hoped they would come and eat out of his hand. They did not. They are not crazy. The wild donkeys on they other hand would do that, but they are on the other side of town.  We went to the marina's and fed the ducks, mud hens, striper, and carp. We had a LOT of science lessons, as well as lessons on all sorts of things. When we went over to Boulder Beach, he learned about the area between the hard part of the earth and the MUSHY part, as he sunk to his knees in the goo. Oddly enough, this was one of his favorite parts of the day. 

Fashionista has been reunited with clothes that no longer fit, and dozens of pairs of shoes, some that she hasn't ever worn! AND the heels are SO HIGH! Holy cow! We are wondering IF she should even wear them!!! Could be dangerous! She is wild though, so we shall see.

Each box brings some interesting surprises. One box had a black notebook. Inside the cover it said, "Elder Gunderson, St Louis Mission." We have things that belong to each of Queen's children. We have found things that belonged to Queen's parents! We've found things that belonged to Queen's King...How did WE become the keeper of the treasures?!?! We have NO clue. Except that they left The Hermitage and WE were left to deal with things. AND not wanting to deal with any of it, we put it in a box...and now we have to deal with it. Like it or not.

Financier and Banker wish they knew how to sell things online. They are also checking out a consignment place not far from The Hermitage. 

All of us are ready to simplify the lives in The Hermitage. It is interesting that most people spend their lives gathering, collecting, saving, embracing, ETC., and WHY?!?! Now we are spending our lives getting rid of all of it.

We are thankful to know that God knows us and what the future holds. 
We are thankful He is looking out for us and preparing us.
We are thankful for the help so freely given to get to this point.
We are thankful for progress.
We are thankful there is a bigger picture. 
We are thankful to know the bigger picture.
We know we are loved.
We know we have been through FAR hard trials and challenges and survived. 
We know this too shall pass. 
We are SO BLESSED!!!

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