Saturday, October 12, 2024

 29 September 2024

Here we are at the end of September ALREADY! And what a month THIS has been.
For years many of us in The Hermitage have told others, especially Queen's children, that we most likely will have the answers to the “What’s, Where’s, When’s, Who’s, How’s, ETC., BUT NEVER the Why’s!!!” We’ve explained that ONLY God knows the answers to the “WHY’s.” Basically, Disciple has explained that the “Why’s” involve timing, purpose, reasons, and such, that WE don’t know. BUT we trust in God and have faith. And we keep going. NOT without purpose or reason. Not randomly. Not just going through the motions. Not blindly. WE do so with direction and guidance that Disciple prays for daily. And so, we have seen the tender mercies, miracles, reasons, purposes, this week and WE ARE ALL IN AWE of what God does, His timing and His reasons. When we follow His guidance and direction, without question, HE shows us exactly WHY something has happened, why it was His timing. What His reasons were! And we cried off and on all week knowing we were instruments in His hands.
Organizer worked with Chef, Baker and Kitchen Scullery Maids, Monday morning cleaning out and organizing cabinets and drawers.
Chauffeur took Correspondent to the office of letter sending, and Shopper to the local guild. Not much was purchased, as this was a look-see trip. What she looked at wasn’t what she wanted, or anyone else, especially Organizer, SO that was a quick trip.
Correspondent took a short break and saw the following message posted.
“Hi ward family! Finally able to get a place but have nothing to put in it. If you have anything you have been dying to find a new home for please let me know by sending me a DM or calling me directly.
Thanks so much.”
Disciple and others in The Hermitage began to cry. Disciple prayed. WE ALL UNDERSTOOD some answers. For the longest time, WE didn’t know why, things just didn’t work in getting things out of the storage for 16 years. We got some here and there, BUT not all of it. WHY? We didn’t know. AND a LOT of it had NOWHERE to go once it got here. Nor could any of us wear some of the clothing, ETC. Life had changed, things were different. We had ALL changed in MANY ways. When we were loading things, we had NO real answers to the questions we were being asked. Only the answer of “just load it all and we will figure it all out later.” And now this! To say we were in awe is an understatement!
We sent a message to this lovely sister from the ward. “Don’t buy anything! We probably have it.” She and her sister came over that evening and we discussed what was available—queen size bed, full size bed, couch, end tables, coffee table, table with four chairs, lamps, patio table with six chairs, two Christmas trees, kitchen items, and more. And there is more, we just need to sort through things. As we find things we put them in boxes. We are SO blessed to be able to give. We are grateful beyond words. One never knows the ways in which God will use us to bless the lives of others. There were many times we needed help and it was always provided. THAT is a story on tithing for another time. It is easier to get around in The Hermitage!
All of this has provided a peace and calm in The Hermitage allowing us to sleep at night. We are also thankful for that!
Board Member has done HOA stuff this week. Financier and Banker have been busy with end of the month bills and updating the ledger, etc. Thankfully ALL of that balanced. They are complete nutcases with that! It has to balance to the penny…OR heads will roll.
The Temple was closed for cleaning, but was back open this week, so Disciple was back to her shift! Thankful to see all of her friends who are now like family. Thankful to be able to spend the day in the Temple. Thankful for the “feelings” of the Temple and blessings!
Queen made some calls. One to her youngest. He and his lovely wife are RIGHT in the middle of hurricane Helene. They have had a LOT of rain all week, but are doing okay. The river next to them went from knee deep to about 10’ or higher, but he insisted they were okay. She tried to call today, but was told they would call back. Hmmm…Disciple will be praying harder.
Queen also called her brother as his birthday was Saturday. It was a quick visit as his sister-in-law, Karen Warner’s funeral service was on YouTube. So all of us in The Hermitage watched it as we worked on distributing old files to the file receptacle!
Queen and Grandmomma were off to a little league game with Chauffeur to the other side of the valley. The youngest Grandson was the starting pitcher—struck out the first two batters and the fourth batter. His team won 7-5. It was OVER 100ยบ out so Queen and Grandmomma mentioned that swimming might be in order. The water was a tad cool, but didn’t take much to get used to it. A few weeks from now and that may not be the case. Who knows?
We are hoping that Organizer, Chef, Baker, and Kitchen and Scullery Maids get things going in the kitchen so we can enjoy home cooked meals again. Eating out isn’t something we normally do daily.
We are SO blessed!
We are SO grateful!
We are thankful for guidance and direction, EVEN when we have NO idea of WHY!
We are thankful for our great faith!
We are thankful for our knowledge!
We are thankful we know who to put out trust in!
We are thankful to know that God knows EACH one of us personally!
We are thankful for family, friends, neighbors and those we meet when out.
Life is AMAZING!